What Students are Saying

Crew Weunski '20
"It [the program] was extremely helpful in preparing for my internship and taught me skills to network and prepare for applying to grad schools"

Ines Nouafo '23
"This [program] will be helpful for first year students and also first generation students to help set them up for success"

Alana Okuley '22
"I feel that these programs of professional development were extremely beneficial in helping me to create a noticeable resume and cover letter. I have used these services many times and plan to utilize them in the future as well. Feedback is always constructive."

Career Services | Student Resources
Career Services' Student Resources page can help you explore careers related to your major, search for internships, and find a job! Call: 216.397.4237 Email: careerservices@jcu.edu Visit: in Grasselli Library & Breen Learning Center