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Department of Philosophy

Philosophy encompasses the systematic study of some of the most fundamental questions regarding existence, nature, knowledge, reality, politics, and morality. It allows students to develop an outlook on life that is broad and reflective and to engage the world rationally and critically. A basic understanding of philosophy and philosophical methods serves as a framework for various other disciplines.

More information regarding the total cost of attendance can be found here.

Check us out on Instagram:  @philosophy_jcu, 

Philosophy Careers

Philosophy majors pursue careers in many fields including education, law, public administration, journalism, health care, communications, and pastoral work.

Programs of Study



A philosophy major or minor is universally beneficial since it teaches you to analyze and resolve problems, see problems from different points of view, communicate cogently and persuasively, and integrate knowledge.

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You can complement your major program with six philosophy courses (just four courses beyond the core curriculum requirements).

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Department Highlights

William J. and Honore M. Selhorst Award

Each year, the Department of Philosophy selects a junior Philosophy major who has excelled in philosophy to receive its William J. and Honore M. Selhorst Award.  In 2024, the Department selected Thomas Byrne as the recipient of the award's $9700 tuition credit. Congratulations, Thomas!


students in classroom sitting at desk

Through its Don Shula Chair in Philosophy, the department annually sponsors and supports campus events (including conferences, speakers, and colloquia) aimed at enhancing undergraduate education in philosophy and promoting awareness and discussion of timely and important issues within the university and broader Cleveland communities.

  • Our students will write and speak knowledgeably about central aspects of and problems within the history of philosophy, as well as about philosophy’s major historical figures.
  • Our students will critically evaluate arguments and evidence.
  • Our students will understand the relationship between philosophy and other academic disciplines.
  • Our students will develop the skills necessary to engage critically with contemporary social issues.
Phil 4 Kids 3 students



Philosophy for Kids Internship

Dr. Sharon Kaye supports an internship that is available to current JCU students.


1. Experiential Service Learning Courses -- JCU undergraduates conduct philosophy discussions with kids at local schools. (Core credit)
2. Paid Internships -- JCU undergraduates conduct philosophy discussions with kids at local schools. (Shula Endowment)
3. Curriculum Publishing --JCU undergraduates write philosophy discussion starters for kids. Two of these volumes have been published (Prufrock Press, Royal Fireworks Press)
4. Video Production Fellowship – JCU undergraduates create philosophy discussion starter animated video shorts (Colleran-Weaver Grant)
5. Conference Planning –JCU undergraduates participate in a Philosophy4Kids symposium with nationally renowned speakers (May 2024)