Looking for ways to enhance your ¾«¶«AV experience outside of the classroom? We have an amazing array of options for you to pick from, ranging from fraternity and sorority life to performing in one of our music ensembles. Many offices on campus work together to provide students with opportunities to have a busy co-curricular life on campus, where they can learn valuable skills to lead their inspired futures.
¾«¶«AV Students have hundreds of options to get involved on campus. From cultural organizations, Fraternity and Sorority life, to art and pop-culture clubs, every student can find a niche where they not only belong but thrive. Joining these dynamic groups not only broadens your horizons but also fosters lasting connections and lifelong friendships.
Cultural Organizations
Academic Clubs
Club Sports
Arts and Pop-Culture
Fraternities and Sororities
Spiritual and Religious
Health and Wellness
Check out our current Student Organizations at JCU and see how you can get involved!
Your involvement at JCU is not limited to the student organizations you join. Your residential experience and living-learning communities will provide you a sense of belonging over your four years on campus.
If you're interested in starting an organization that is not listed in Carroll Connect, click the link below to learn more about the process of starting a new student org.
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