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Robert Boland
Erin Kipp

The 2023 Schell Award winners are Robert Boland and Erin Kipp!

Campus Ministry’s departmental award, the Schell Award, is named for Rev. Joseph Schell, S.J., who founded JCU’s Campus Ministry department in 1971. Fr. Schell was renowned for his wisdom, gentle spirit, sense of humor, devotion to the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola and commitment to a faith that does justice. 

The Schell Award (formerly known as the Danford Award), consists of an engraved gift and a cash stipend. The recipient is selected by the Campus Ministry team.

2021 - Bella Statnick

2020– VԲԾҾDZԲԾٳپ
2019 – Sean Freeman & Anna Masica
2018 – Michalena Mezzopera & Anthony Shoplik
2017 – Kaylee Quanbeck & Maria Pangori
2016 – Mark Smithhisler
2015 – Courtney Radkin
2014 – Hilary Froelich
2013 – Katie Warner
2012 – Thomas Coast, Anna Faist, & Jacqueline Wyman
2011 – Andrew Vogel
2010 – Laura Heid and Natalie Terry
2009 – Samantha Cocco & Margaret Phillips
2008 – Alison Cyperski
2007 – Lauren Fraser
2006 – Daniel Dunn & Timothy Dunn
2005 – Marissa Madden
2004 – Peter Corrigan
2003 – Jeannie Kidera
2002 – Eric P. Schild
2001 – Shelby Spare & Mindy Madasz
2000 – Emily Shurilla
1999 – Kaitlin M. Habig
1998 – Lori Roddy
1997 – Bridget Maloney
1996 – Sheila Theresa Sullivan
1995 – Patrick Klus
1994 – Helen Van Cuyk
1993 – Michael Yonek
1992 – Robert Daum
1991 – Margaret Langdon
1990 – J. Michael Schaub