Considering having an alumni panel, taking students to visit an employer or want an alum/employer to come to provide their expertise in the classroom or for your organization? We are very happy to assist. We can work with you, your students or set up the entire event for you.
- If you want to discuss options, contact Career Services at .
- If you know what you want you can !.
Periodically employers will contact you directly and while you may not have the resources and time to adequately respond to their needs, rest assured we do. Referring employers to us will help increase their visibility and give students greater access to structured employment opportunities. We are also knowledgeable of the legal, regulatory, and ethical challenges to avoid.
If you have an employer partner wishing to recruit students, please refer them to Career Services at聽
Letters of Reference for Graduate School: Faculty and staff are often asked to provide letters of recommendations for students applying for graduate school and employment. .
References for Employment: Most employers do not ask for letters of reference anymore, they tend to prefer to speak with references. Students normally provide a list with contact information for three-five people, usually at least one faculty member and one person for whom they have worked. When students ask you to be a reference, they should provide a resume and a job posting and seek your permission before putting your name and contact information on the list. Feel free to ask them for more information about the career field and employers in which they have interest so you can be better prepared should you be contacted to serve as a reference.
Legal Considerations when providing references:The National Association for Colleges and Employers provides recommendations for writing letters of reference for employers, this is also very good advice for graduate school letters and references given over the phone-

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