University Administrative Policies
If a position named in a policy is temporarily vacant, the supervisor of the named position will designate an individual to fill that role until the position is filled.
If a position named in a policy no longer exists, the supervisor of that position should notify UCAdP to amend the policy. If that has not yet happened and the need arises, that position's role in said policy will be fulfilled by the employee who has assumed responsibility for that element of the former position's workload. If it is unclear who should take on the role, the supervisor of the named position will designate a temporary replacement and notify UCAdP and any other relevant constituents.
Click to see a complete list of positions named in policies and any temporary delegations.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of Regulatory Affairs and Risk Management.
Alcohol may be used or served on AV property or in connection with University-sponsored Events and activities only in accordance with both the procedures enumerated in the full policy document and applicable state, local, and federal laws and regulations.
Clickfor the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of Regulatory Affairs and Risk Management.
Except for animals specifically exempted by this policy, animals (including but not limited to dogs, cats, birds, or snakes) are not permitted in any AV building at any time. Animals such as dogs and cats may be present outdoors on campus grounds if they are leashed or held and attended at all times. Students in residence halls are required to follow rules and restrictions on animals in residence halls.
Clickfor the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of Community Standards
This policy outlines the commitment of AV to prohibit all forms of hazing. Hazing is antithetical to the mission and values of JCU because it harms, degrades, and dehumanizes members of the AV community. Therefore, hazing in any form is prohibited and will not be tolerated. In addition, Ohio law prohibits hazing. JCU will investigate and respond to all reports of hazing as outlined in this policy.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of the Library
AV requires all administrative or academic departments to transfer appropriate records as defined in this policy to the University Archives.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Controller.
Only certain designated AV employees within the Business Office are authorized to approve, open, make changes to, and close all bank accounts controlled by the University and its affiliated entities. All bank accounts controlled by the University or affiliated entities must be reconciled on a monthly basis, within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the statement. Domestic bank accounts, including credit card merchant accounts, are reconciled by the University’s Controller’s Office.
Clickfor the full policy document.
Please address questions about the policy to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness
All governance committees at AV (“the University”), as defined below, must record meeting minutes, following the instructions in the Procedures section below. All standing faculty and staff committees are strongly encouraged to keep minutes; other bodies (subcommittees of other committees, working groups, task forces, action teams, tiger teams, and ad hoc committees) should decide at their outset whether minutes will be a part of their work. Any committee making a decision that might serve as evidence for accreditation must record minutes for meetings in which such decisions are made.
All current members of each committee must have access to all of the official records of committee meetings and actions, unless confidential or otherwise protected by legal privilege or by applicable law. In all cases, records must be made available to the General Counsel and/or the President upon request. All meeting records related to accreditation evidence must be made available to the Accreditation Liaison Officer upon request.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to Human Resources.
AV prohibits any faculty member, staff member, or graduate assistant from engaging in a consensual romantic and/or sexual relationship with a student or employee over whom that individual exercises academic, supervisory, or professional authority.
Further, a faculty member, staff member, or graduate assistant is prohibited from exercising academic or professional authority over any student or employee with whom the individual has previously had a consensual romantic or sexual relationship unless a management plan is approved as provided for in this policy.
Other types of romantic or consensual relationships where there is not academic, supervisory, or professional authority but involving a significant power or status differential between the two individuals (i.e. such as a graduate student and an undergraduate student not under their direct oversight; a faculty member and a graduate assistant not under their direct oversight) are strongly discouraged.
In rare cases, an otherwise prohibited relationship may be allowed under a management plan as provided for in this policy.
Clickfor the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to theDirector of Student Accessibility Services.
In furtherance of its non-discrimination policies, it is the policy of AV to comply fully with state and federal laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , and to establish a procedure to ensure that grievances are fairly heard and resolved. Grievances arising under this Policy include disability-related allegations concerning accessibility problems, discriminatory treatment, harassment, retaliation, and other allegations of disability-related violations of the University’s policies or legal obligations.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to General Counsel
This Policy addresses and prescribes the circumstances under which those with Signatory Authority, other employees, and students may utilize an Electronic Signature when signing documents on behalf of AV and the procedures they must follow when doing so. Employees should consult the Contract Approval & Signatory Authority Policy II-4 to determine whether they possess signatory authority before signing any documents on behalf of the University.
Click here for the full policy document.
Click hereto access the current list of approved Electronic Signature Services.
Please address questions about this policy to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The instructor of record of every course section offered by AV (“the University”) must be appropriately qualified to teach the course in question.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of Global Education
Students, faculty, and staff participating in International Travel organized, sponsored, and/or funded by the University are required to comply with this International Travel Safety Policy, as well as other applicable AV policies and procedures, and applicable laws governing International Travel. The procedures in the policy are intended to ensure that all travel by students, faculty, and staff participating in University-sponsored or University-funded International Travel is reviewed by the University, and all relevant health, safety and security factors are taken into consideration before approval of the trip. The health and safety of University students, faculty, and staff are the top priorities of the University. Students, faculty, or staff wishing to initiate a program or trip that involves International Travel must apply for and obtain approval for the International Travel, as outlined in the procedures below. International travel organizers must assure that students, faculty, and staff traveling on the program or trip complete necessary paperwork described in the procedures below, and also are apprised of risks associated with the travel, as identified by the U.S. Department of State. Other policies and requirements for approval for International Travel may exist or be put in place, particularly for study abroad and immersion travel. These could include academic/curricular and budgetary approvals. This policy is primarily focused on health, safety, and security. All International Travel requires the completion of a request form. Travel to countries or regions of countries identified by the U.S. Department of State as a Travel Advisory Level 2 or 3 must also be reviewed by the International Travel Safety Committee (ITSC or Committee). Travel to countries or regions of countries identified by the U.S. Department of State as a Travel Advisory Level 4 is prohibited, unless an exception is granted by the Vice President of the division and the University President; such exceptions will be based on extraordinary circumstances.
Clickfor the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to theRegistrar.
AV (the “University”) seeks to provide a community for faculty, staff and students that promotes personal growth and development in a safe and welcoming environment. The University is committed to the belief that respect for the rights and dignity of all people must be protected. This goal is an integral part of all aspects of University life, rooted in our Jesuit Catholic identity, and is essential to our academic community.
Therefore, members of the community are supported and encouraged, when they wish to do so, to express a preferred name and to identify pronouns that they would like others to use when referring to them. Similarly, there are a number of occasions when someone uses a last name other than their legal name in professional settings, and so members of the community may also designate a professional name.
The Procedures delineate in which situations the University will use legal names and in which preferred or professional names. Consistent with the University value of demonstrating respect for the rights and dignity of all people, all members of the University community are encouraged to demonstrate respect for others by using the addressee’s preferred and professional names and/or expressed pronouns.
Click for the full policy document and for the FAQ.
Please address questions about this policy to the Vice President for Student Experience and Campus Belonging
AV is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as constitutive elements of our Jesuit Catholic identity. As reflected in the University’s vision, mission, core values and strategic initiatives, the University welcomes individuals who will contribute to its mission and goals. Our pursuit of excellence demands that we come to understand and embrace the richness that each person brings to the University community. In a manner consistent with the University's Jesuit Catholic mission, the University maintains and enforces a policy of equal opportunity. AV does not discriminate based on any of the following as defined and protected by applicable law: race, age, color, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, ethnic or national origin, disability, military or veteran status protected under federal or state law, or genetic information. Discrimination and bias against members of the University community strikes at the very heart of this institution and will not be tolerated by any student, employee, contractor, visitor, or volunteer.
The University does not tolerate Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, Hate Crimes, or Bias-Related Incidents by any member of the University community. Certain actions that do not constitute Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, or a Hate Crime (referred to collectively as “Discriminatory Acts”) but constitute a Bias-Related Incident against any member of the University Community on any of the bases cited above also are defined and addressed under this policy. Discriminatory Acts and Bias-Related Incidents are prohibited in all employment and academic contexts, inclusive of online or remote employment or coursework; at University-sponsored or University-affiliated events, conferences or travel (including, but not limited to, domestic, international, immersion, or study-abroad); on University-sponsored business; or while on University property. Any Discriminatory Act or Bias-Related Incident involving a JCU community member that occurs off-campus and that impacts the University, a University interest, or a University community member in some manner (i.e. affecting the safety, reputation, or mission of the University) also is prohibited and may be addressed under this policy and other applicable policies and procedures.
This policy applies to communications that are both in-person and on social media or electronic platforms or formats. Use of any social media or other technology to engage in Bias-Related Incidents, Discrimination, or Discriminatory Harassment will not be tolerated.
Reports of Discriminatory Acts or Bias-Related Incidents will be investigated and resolved consistent with this policy and other applicable policies and procedures.
The University makes available a number of mechanisms to report Discriminatory Acts or Bias-Related Incidents, as described in this policy.
Click for the full policy document
Please address questions about this policy to the Title IX Coordinator.
AV is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Consistent with obligations under federal regulations, sex discrimination, which can include discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status, or parental status, is prohibited and illegal in admissions, educational programs and activities, hiring, leave policies, and employment policies. AV hereby establishes a policy and associated procedures for ensuring non-discrimination and equal treatment, as well as a reasonable accommodation process, for pregnant students, students with pregnancy-related conditions, and students who have recently become parents. Based on requests from the student, consultation with instructors, and a determination of reasonable accommodations by the University, reasonable accommodations provided to the student may include leaves of absences, academic adjustments, physical modifications, and other accommodations for support and assistance for the student.
Click here for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Controller.
Purchasing Card (P-Card) holders must comply with budgetary guidelines and utilize sound business practices by following the procedures outlined in the P-Card Manual and ensuring compliance with all other applicable University policies.
Cardholder Responsibilities: The Cardholder must use the Purchasing Card for legitimate University business purposes only. Misuse of the card will subject the Cardholder to disciplinary action in accordance with University policies and procedures. The Cardholder must:
- Follow the guidelines as stated in the application process.
- Not share, loan or otherwise allow the P-Card to be used by anyone other than the named Cardholder. There are significant tax implications both to the Cardholder and to the University related to these types of transactions.
- Follow all University and departmental policies and procedures relating to the purchasing of goods and services as well as travel and entertainment.
- Maintain the P-Card in a secure location at all times. Adding the P-Card to an individual’s digital wallet (Apple Pay, Google Wallet) or storing card information in a browser is prohibited.
- Adhere to the purchase limits and restrictions of the P-Card and ensure that the total transaction amount does not exceed the preset spending limits.
- Ensure that Ohio State Sales Tax is not applied to P-Card purchases
- Obtain a receipt or packing slip with item price, shipping, and tax information for all transactions. In the event supporting documentation is not available, please utilize the Missing Documentation Form.
- Review and reconcile P-Card transactions following deadlines in the P-Card Manual. This includes providing transaction descriptions and making appropriate Organization & Account code changes as needed. All transactions will automatically be processed under the Default Organization Code if no revision is made.
- Promptly refund the University for any personal charges on the P-Card (e.g., laundry, phone or movie charges included on hotel bill). This can be done by making payment to the Cashiers Office via cash or check. Proof of refund to the University must be attached digitally in the P-Card reconciliation system.
- Report erroneous charges to the Business Office Specialist immediately. You will be directed to contact the vendor and/or the card issuer to resolve the issue. Ensure that an appropriate credit for the reported disputed item or billing error appears on a subsequent Expense Report.
- NEVER accept merchant credit or cash in lieu of a credit to the P-Card account.
- Immediately report a lost or stolen Purchasing Card to JPMorgan Chase at 1-800-316-6056, then notify the P-Card Administrator. The Cardholder’s department may be liable for all charges incurred until the card is reported lost or stolen.
- Return the P-Card, along with all receipts for outstanding expenses, to the Human Resources Department or to the Supervisor upon terminating employment with the University. Notify the Business Office Specialist if transferring departments within the University.
- Comply with periodic audits of P-Card usage by internal or external parties.
Supervisor/Approver Responsibilities: The primary responsibility of the Approver/ Supervisor is to oversee the P-Card activity transacted by cardholders under their supervision. The Approver/Supervisor’s review and approval of supporting documentation and transaction notes related to P-Card program transactions are necessary. Supervisors must make sure that all transactions (1) have a valid University business purpose; (2) are in compliance with all University purchasing and travel and entertainment policies; and (3) are in compliance with all other applicable University policies and funding agency regulations. Specific responsibilities are described in the P-Card Manual.
Prohibited Purchases: The authoritative list of prohibited purchases is contained in the Purchasing Policy. Purchase of specific equipment, materials, supplies and/or services are subject to University policy and legal/technical constraints and, therefore, the P-Card should not be used to purchase them. External funds may have an alternative list of restrictions. Any questions should be directed to the Business Office. The current list of Prohibited Purchases follows:
- Alcoholic beverages (Packaged)
- All Portable electronic devices
- Bio-hazardous materials
- Biological or bacteriological viruses purchased live
- Cash advances
- Computer hardware and software without ITS pre-approval
- Furniture without Facilities pre-approval
- Gifts or donations (including any type of gift card)
- Items for personal use
- Prescription drugs and controlled substances
- Radioactive materials
- Services involving labor, indemnity, and/or insurance requirements
- Vehicle purchase or lease (excluding short-term vehicle rental)
- Weapons, ammunition and detonating equipment
See the P-Card Manual for alternative purchasing methods for some of these items.
Click for the full policy document and for the P-Card Manual.
Please address questions about this policy to theUniversity Counsel.
AV requires that certain types of University records be retained for specific periods of time in accordance with legal and institutional requirements. These records can be destroyed after these retention periods have ended. The University has designated Offices of Record or Data Stewards to manage the retention and disposal of such records in accordance with this policy.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Associate Vice President of Facilities.
This policy shall promote accountability and stewardship by the Users of University SPACE. Users of SPACE may provide input into the use of SPACE; however, the University Space Committee is the final decision-making authority.
All SPACE is property of the University and is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws inclusive of fire codes, regulations, and rules. If a conflict arises between this Policy and federal, state, or local laws, then the applicable laws shall govern.
All SPACE is subject to assignment, reassignment, and redevelopment to meet the overall needs and best interest of the University and the members of the University community. This includes but is not limited to all academic SPACES, administrative SPACES (inclusive of office and classroom), residence halls, and auxiliary facilities. Long-range planning for optimum use of these valuable, essential University assets is a continuing process.
- Delegation and reallocation of SPACE is necessary in order to sustain the physical plant and support the University’s Strategic Plan and priorities.
- SPACE is a limited resource and has intrinsic value; SPACE must be managed for effective and productive use in the same manner as monetary assets, personnel, and equipment.
- SPACE assignments and decisions for improvements or investments in SPACE shall be aligned not only with the University’s Mission and core values (including holistic care for the person), Strategic Plan, and established priorities but also with available resources.
The University SPACE Committee has the right to delegate use and stewardship of SPACE to other entities, as it deems acceptable, and can reassign responsibilities as necessary. It is the expectation that these stewards establish guidelines and procedures for the use of SPACE in keeping with this SPACE policy. The University maintains a SPACE inventory. Classification and allocation of SPACE, although not completely comprehensive, is described in Appendix A. The names and responsibilities of these stewards may be amended as needed from time to time by the University SPACE Committee and serve here to further describe this policy.
Utilization of learning SPACE will be determined in pursuit of innovative teaching and University Learning Goals across the entire student experience. Utilization of all SPACE will be determined in pursuit of optimum allocation, utilization, and operation and strive for the maximum benefit of available resources with consideration for individuals affected.
Use, assignment, and scheduling of SPACE shall be compatible with SPACE type (as the SPACE is designed, operated, and defined by HEGIS codes) for the health, safety, welfare, and maximum benefit of the University Community.
SPACE usage and assignments shall promote fiscal responsibility and University sustainability by considering the short and long-term costs attributed to SPACE.
SPACE will be allocated and assigned to specific users. SPACE can be allocated or assigned to groups or individuals on a short term/temporary basis or for longer periods of time.
Specific procedures and guidelines for the use of SPACE shall be the responsibility of the designated stewards of University SPACE and as approved by the University Space Committee.
Only the University Space Committee may authorize a change to the use type of a SPACE (change to the HEGIS code category) or approve major reconfigurations of a SPACE.
Faculty and staff members may generally only occupy one office SPACE on campus regardless of multiple responsibilities assigned or operating in multiple capacities on campus.
The contents of SPACE, including furnishings and equipment, are covered by separate policies.
Clickfor the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Provost and Academic Vice President.
AV is committed to creating an environment that supports free expression and inquiry and that embraces liberal education as a search for truth, where faith and reason complement each other in learning. In this context, the University encourages its faculty, staff, and registered student organizations to contribute to the role of the University as a forum for educational and intellectual discussion, debate, investigation and/or artistic expression. The University recognizes that, as an institution of higher education, speakers and events may generate conversations or ideas that are difficult or uncomfortable or that espouse differing viewpoints in order to foster the pursuit of truth and the expansion of knowledge. In making determinations under this policy, the University also seeks to act consistently with the University’s Jesuit Catholic heritage, which encourages the University to pursue differing perspectives that bring us to the margins of human experience in service to the truth. Speakers and events should foster and exhibit respectful dialogue.
The following persons or groups must submit a Speaker and Events Registration Form (link will be inserted link when process is ready) to host speakers and events involving non-University faculty, staff or students (“External Speakers and Events”) on University property or as part of a University-sponsored event off campus:
- Student organizations registered and recognized through the Office of Student Engagement and Student Government,
- University faculty and staff members, and/or
- Academic or administrative departments.
The organization, individual, or department submitting the Registration Form is referred to in this policy as the Sponsor.
This policy does not apply to speakers invited by a faculty member to the faculty member’s class or to advance the classroom experience in service to the learning goals for the class or academic program or for other relevant pedagogical reasons. The screening questions on the Registration Form will help potential Sponsors determine whether or not this policy applies to the prospective External Speaker or Event.
This policy also does not apply to job candidates who are giving a presentation as part of the hiring process, guests appearing on WJCU programming, or to Commencement speakers, who are approved through Advancement and the Senior Leadership Team.
This policy also does not apply to speakers or events that are hosted by a non-University organization or individual as part of an external facility use or rental arrangement and that do not fall under the definition of an External Speaker or Event (hereinafter “Facilities Use Arrangements”). Speakers or events that are part of a Facilities Use Arrangement must meet the requirements set out in any Facilities Use Agreement and/or comply with all requirements and restrictions set by the University and the Auxiliary Services Department. Speakers or events during Facilities Use Arrangements must comply with University policies, applicable law, and directives of JCUPD and other University officials related to the event. The University reserves the right to decline or cancel use of its facilities for any speaker or event that is part of any Facilities Use Arrangement. Failure of the sponsoring organization/individual or of attendees at any speaker or event that is part of a Facilities Use Arrangement to comply with applicable law or a request by a presiding officer or any other official such as JCUPD or other law enforcement may result either in removal from the event or the termination of the event itself. The University may exercise discretion and take appropriate actions to address such violations, including but not limited to cancellation of the event and/or removal of violators of law or any University policies.
The Sponsor of an External Speaker or Event must comply with the procedures outlined in this policy to host External Speakers or Events either on University property or at off campus events sponsored by the University.
In order to promote civil discourse in an environment that is committed to welcoming diverse viewpoints, the University may require that the speaker or event be facilitated by a person approved by the University.
The University reserves the right to reschedule, relocate, or cancel an External Speaker or Event if a speaker or event creates a public safety concern; disrupts University operations; violates a University policy; or uses the event as a platform to denigrate the Jesuit Catholic identity or mission of the University. Any invitation to an External Speaker or Event extended by a Sponsor may be rescinded by the University if it is determined that hosting the proposed speaker or event will disrupt safe and orderly campus operations, or would be in violation of this policy or another University policy.
Click for the full policy document. Click for the approval form.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of Institutional Research
Any internal AV community member or external researcher who wishes to survey students, alumni, or employees of the University must first obtain approval from the appropriate University authority.
Click here for the full policy document.
Click to access the survey submission link.
Cybersecurity Policies
Please address questions about these policiesto the Director of IT Security.
Most of the Cybersecurity Policies are available to members of the AV community; however, some are restricted to members of ITS. For additional access, please contact the CIO.
This summarizes AV’s comprehensive written information security program and serves to inform authorized University users (e.g., employees, contractors and other authorized users) of their obligations to protect the technology and information assets of the University. This program describes the technology and information assets that the University seeks to protect and identifies many of the threats to those assets. It also describes user responsibilities and privileges with respect to accessing and using the University’s information. Failure to comply with the policies that are part of the Program may subject you to disciplinary action, in accordance with the terms of the University’s Human Resources policies and procedures.
The ability to collect and process information for administrative and academic purposes is critical to AV’s mission. Information collected and processed may include personal information regarding students, employees, or alumni. Users utilizing University Information Technology (“IT”) Resources or Data are responsible for managing and maintaining the security of the data, IT Resources, and protected information, including Sensitive Data. Protecting such information is driven by a variety of considerations including legal, academic, financial, and other business requirements.
All employees of the University community have a responsibility to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Sensitive Data from unauthorized collection, access, modification, disclosure, transmission, or destruction by following the Procedures below.
Click for the full policy document.
AV provides Information Technology Resources to allow faculty, staff, and students to pursue the University’s educational mission, which includes teaching, learning, service, research and administration. Thus, Information Technology Resources, as defined in this policy, must be used in a manner that furthers the University’s mission.
Any access or use of IT Resources that conflicts with this Policy or any other University policy is not acceptable and will be considered a violation of this Policy. Additionally any activity that interferes, interrupts, compromises, or conflicts with the safe and efficient use of IT Resources is considered a violation of this Policy.
Click for the full policy document.
This is restricted.
All changes to IT Resources must follow the procedures delineated in the linked document below.
Click for the full policy document.
This is restricted.
This policy establishes controls and processes for identity management and access controls, including service, network, and physical access.
Click for the full policy document.
This policy outlines expectations for appropriate, safe, and effective email use.
Click for the full policy document.
Sponsored Programs Policies
Please address questions about these policiesto the Director of Sponsored Programs.
Federal law, various states’ laws, and this and other AV policies prohibit trafficking in persons and related unlawful activities. University employees will not engage in, support, or use funds received from any source for such trafficking-in-persons activities.
Click for the full policy document.
All restricted operating accounts—including federal awards—are set up with a unique Fund and Organization number at AV. The Fund number is set up using a predecessor Fund number created for each type of federal award. This allows the university to identify in the chart of accounts all federal awards received and expended. The unique Fund and Organization number also gives the university the ability to report revenue and expenditures separately by federal programs.
Records are maintained by the Accounts Payable Department and the Manager of Endowment and Grant Accounting. The Accounts Payable Department maintains records of all disbursements. Copies of check payments, which include receipts, are held for two years in the Business Office. Copies of check payments and receipts older than two years are moved to a secure storage area. The activity posted to the University’s finance and accounting system is always available to track transactions. Transactions posted to the system are indefinitely retained. The Manager of Endowment and Grant Accounting sets up a paper file and an electronic file for each federal award. The records kept include proposals, acceptance letters, notice of award, invoices that are used to draw down funds, support for invoices and any communication from the federal agency and University employees involved with the federal award.
Blank Checks:In the University accounting system blank checks are not permitted. Each check is printed at the time of processing. The blank forms that the checks are printed on are kept in storage. The only signatures accepted by the bank are those of the University’s authorized signatories, including the President.
Segregation of Duties:There is a clear segregation of duties for electronic fund transfers. Accounts Payable creates the vendor accounts for an electronic fund transfer. The actual transfer, direct deposit, or wire is processed by the Assistant Controller or the Assistant to VP for Finance.
Click for the full policy document.
Independent appraisal, by a non-University auditor, of AV's financial and administrative performance is done on an annual basis. This audit includes a report on compliance for each major federal program and a report on internal control over compliance. This report audits the University's compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Compliance Supplement, including that the procurement, receipt, and payment for goods and services comply with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of Federal awards. The preparation of the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) is prepared each year and is subsequently used to determine if an audit is required to be performed in accordance with the Single Audit Act for fiscal years with expenditures under federal awards of $750,000 or more. The Single Audit report is submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditor’s report or nine months after the fiscal year’s end.
Click for the full policy document.
Pursuant to 45 CFR 75 and 2 CFR 200, AV (“the University”) limits the spending of federally funded sponsored awards, including Health and Human Services (HHS) funding, to the amounts budgeted in the grant agreement that cover allowable project costs. The drawdown of funds for HHS awards are made using the Payment Management System (PMS). Drawdowns for HHS awards occur on a reimbursement or “as needed basis” for services and operational expenses carried out for the approved project. These drawdowns are made on a monthly or quarterly basis determined by the actual immediate cash requirements of the project. Drawdowns are not made to cover future expenditures.
Click for the full policy document.
All costs charged to a sponsored program must comply with the sponsor’s terms and conditions, AV policies and procedures, and Federal regulations including 45 CFR 75 and 2 CFR 200.
Click for the full policy document.
All program income on sponsored programs must be appropriately identified, documented, expended and reported according to the terms and conditions of the sponsored program and to comply with best practices and applicable laws and regulations including 45 CFR 75 and 2 CFR 200 and requirements of other sponsoring agencies, as applicable.
Click for the full policy document.
Cost share (defined here as project or program costs not borne by the sponsoring agency but assumed by the AV) will be included in proposal submissions onlywhen required by agency policy or guidelines (mandatory), orwhen commitment within the proposal increases the likelihood of the proposal being funded (committed) and such commitment is not prohibited by the agency, andwith approval of the appropriate Chair/Dean. Any cost share included in a proposal must meet the regulatory requirements, as appropriate, of the funding agency and federal circulars, as well as University policies.
Click for the full policy document.
Each financial transaction charged against a sponsored research award at AV (“the University”) must meet the criteria of allowability, allocability, and reasonableness.
Click for the full policy document.
A sponsored program may include relationships with contractors, consultants, and subrecipients. The pass-through entity holds the responsibility for deciding whether any given arrangement constitutes a subaward (carrying out an intellectually significant portion of the Federal award, creating a financial assistance agreement) or a contractor agreement (obtaining goods and services, creating a procurement relationship). AV (“the University”) researchers must use the Procedures below to determine whether an entity is a subrecipient or a contractor for all sponsored projects.
Click for the full policy document.
Appropriate Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs, also known as Indirect Costs (IDC), must be included in all requests for externally-funded sponsored programs. Waiver requests for proposals for Federal (including pass-through) funding require approval of the Associate Academic Vice President. All other waiver requests for non-Federal funding may be approved by the appropriate Dean or Chair or their appointed designees.
Click for the full policy document.
Indirect, F&A, or overhead costs recovered from faculty grants will be distributed among the General Fund, the Academic Dean of the college of the Project Director(s), the Project Director(s), and the OSR following the procedures described in this policy. The percentage distributed to each party follows:General Fund50%,Academic Dean15%,Project Director(s)15%,OSR20%.
Click for the full policy document.
Investigators are prohibited from using their positions for purposes inconsistent with objectivity in research and professional integrity. When there is a conflict between AV policy/procedure and sponsor requirements, the more restrictive policy/procedure applies.
Click here for the full policy document.
45 CFR 75.303, 45 CFR 75.430, 2 CFR 200.303 and 2 CFR 200.430 contain the Federal regulatory requirements for internal controls over certifying time expended on sponsored projects. AV’s practice is to utilize an after-the-fact effort reporting system to certify that salaries charged, or cost shared to sponsored awards, are reasonable and consistent with the work performed. The individual’s effort is first assigned to specific awards in the payroll system based on anticipated activities. Actual effort expended on each project is certified by a responsible person with suitable means of verification that the work was performed, generally the principal investigator, at the end of specified reporting periods. The effort certification does not need to be exact, but it should be a reasonable estimate of how time was expended.
Click for the full policy document.
Pursuant to CFR 45 Part 75.113, CFR 45 Part 75.300, 2 CFR Part 200.113, and 2 CFR Part 200.300 all AV faculty, staff and students must disclose to the Office of Sponsored Programs, in writing and within 14 days of the official action, all violations of Federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting a Federal award or sub-award.
Click for the full policy document.
AV, upon acceptance of a contract/grant, is directly responsible and accountable for all government property in accordance with the provisions of the contract/grant, including property provided under such contract/grant which may be in the possession or control of a subcontractor.
Click for the full policy document.
Supplies and other expendable property, equipment, real property and other services must be obtained in an effective manner and in compliance with the provisions of applicable Federal regulations 45 CFR 75 and 2 CFR 200.
Click for the full policy document.
Principal investigators (PIs) who direct sponsored programs will need to obtain equipment, supplies, parts and services from AV and commercial sources to conduct their projects. All purchases must be conducted in a manner that will provide open and free competition to the maximum extent practical and consistent with applicable Federal cost principles.
Click for the full policy document.
All costs charged to a sponsored program must comply with the sponsor’s terms and conditions, AV policies and procedures, and Federal regulations, including 45 CFR 75 and 2 CFR 200. Travel costs charged to sponsored awards must be allowable, allocable, and reasonable. For Federally funded sponsored programs, they must be in accordance with Federal regulations. When there is a conflict between University policy/procedure and sponsor requirements, the more restrictive policy/procedure applies.
Click for the full policy document.
Please address questions about this policy to the Director of Sponsored Programs.
Tenured and Tenure-track faculty are expected to teach a full load of courses, as determined by their department, while continuing to do research and service. Tenured and tenure-track faculty members at AV (“the University”) may buy out courses, however, to support time for faculty to pursue externally funded work related to teaching, research, institutional capacity building, or other professional development, as appropriate to the grant. This policy governs all externally-funded course buyouts, regardless of the source of funds.
Course buyouts are generally funded from grants, contracts, or other external sources.
Course buyouts are based on the reasonable estimate of the time needed to perform the proposed research/project activities (percent effort) reported to the funding agency. This percent effort will determine the amount of buyout that a faculty member may request.
Benchmarking was conducted to align with other institutional policies on course buyout. A range of 10 - 20% was found to be the norm. At JCU, Visiting Assistant Professors who teach 8 courses per year are expected to allot 20% of their time to service, consistent with a 10% allocation per 3 credit course (8 courses x 10% effort per course + 20% service effort = 100% effort).
All course buyouts will be calculated as a percentage of Total Compensation (Institutional Base Salary + Fringe):
- 1 credit = 3.33%
- 2 credits = 6.67%
- 3 credits = 10.00%
- 4 credits = 13.33%
The percentages set forth in this policy are fixed and do not depend on the cost of replacement instructors. Buyouts for courses with the schedule type Lab will use the credits for instructor load based on contact hours, rather than the student credit hours (i.e., 1 credit for the first hour, 0.5 credits for each additional hour so that
- 2 hour lab = 1.5 credits,
- 3 hour lab = 2 credits,
- 4 hour lab = 2.5 credits
Though the University's focus on teaching means that instruction is an integral part of faculty workload, in some cases faculty may buy out 2 courses per semester, contingent on administrative approval. There will be no banking or carry-over of releases from term to term. Faculty who want to fund a half of a full-year sabbatical leave may buy out 3 courses with administrative approval.
A faculty member buying out a course will be expected to participate fully in service, advising, and administrative duties, including departmental service, except in cases in which the grant specifically supports a sabbatical leave; the buyout is strictly for teaching and must not be construed as implicit approval for a full-time appointment to research.
Click for the full policy document.
University Committee on Educational Policy
Commonly Referenced Policies
- Academic Standing: and
- Bulletin of Entry:and
- Classification of Students:and
- (starting 2025)
- Course Attempt (i.e. Course Repeats):and
- Degree Completion Time Limit:and
- Grade Exclusion:and
- Grading System:and
The Bulletin contains Educational/Academic policies as they are accurate at the time of Bulletin publication. If UCEP approves a policy revision which is implemented after the publication of the Bulletin, it will appear in an expander below and then appear in the next iteration of the Bulletin.
Additional Policies--including policies that will appear in the next Bulletin--appear below.
- Revised University Policy
AV students who wish to take courses at another institution must first consult with their advisor.Students and advisors should consult the Transfer Course Equivalency table located on the Registrar’s website to determine how the course will transfer back to AV. Submission of an academic petition is not required for pre-approval of transfer if the course equivalency listed matches the student’s degree requirements. If the other school requires a transient student permission form, the student should have the advisor sign the form.
If the course is not listed in the Equivalency table, or if the student is requesting that the course transfer in a different manner, or for Core credit, the student must submit an online academic petition for approval before enrolling elsewhere.Course descriptions must be included in the petition. For Core and/or special designations, syllabi may be required. The permission, if given, will specify the terms under which credit will be transferred.To transfer the credit,the student must request thatan official, finaltranscript be sent directly to theRegistrar at AV.Hand-delivered copies of transcripts will not be accepted.Afinalgrade of C or better is required for transfer of credit. Only the credits will transfer; the final grade received does not affect the student’s quality-point average at AV.
Transcript Notations
Notations will be made on a student’s transcript for academic or conduct reasons, as described below.
- Minor Academic or Conduct Violations:
For instances where a student has been placed on probation or warning for minor academic or conduct violations, no notation will appear on the transcript. - Involuntary Separation:
In instances where a student involuntarily separates from the University, a transcript notation will be used to denote the interruption or cessation in a student’s studies.
- Suspension:
For instances where a student has been suspended due to academic or conduct issues the following notation will appear on the transcript for the duration of the suspension and will be removed once the suspension has expired:“Suspended, Eligible to Return (term year)”
Suspension – is defined as a temporary separation from the University due to an academic or conduct reason, for a specific period, with the option of a possible future return. Examples include academic warnings due to a failure to meet minimum GPA requirements, academic dishonesty or serious conduct issues. - Dismissal:
For instances where a student has been permanently dismissed or expelled due to academic or conduct issues, the following notation will appear on the transcript indefinitely:“Dismissed, Ineligible to Return”Dismissal– is defined as a permanent separation from the institution due to an academic or conduct reason. Examples include final failure to meet minimum GPA requirements, severe academic dishonesty or serious conduct issues.
- Conduct Letter
In instances where a student requests that a transcript be sent to another institutionandthe student has been suspended or dismissed from the University due to conduct violations, a conduct letter from the Dean of Students Office will accompany the transcript. The conduct letter will include the student’s name; student identification number; transcript notation of either suspended (with date eligible to return) or dismissed; nature of conduct violation (academic or conduct) for which student was found responsible; and referral to the Dean of Students Office or other University department for additional information. - Pending Academic or Conduct Issues
For serious pending academic or conduct matters involving a student prior to a finding of responsibility and determination of a sanction, a “Hold” will be placed on the release of a transcript until a determination as to responsibility is made and any sanction is imposed.