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Community Standards

A student enrolling in 精东AV assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University鈥檚 function as an educational institution. The University seeks to achieve these goals through an educational program that includes clear policies governing student rights and responsibilities. Since all members of this institution freely affiliate with this University, they make a decision to be bound by the rules, regulations, and principles of the University community.听精东AV, grounded in Roman Catholic and Ignatian traditions, strives to foster the fullest development of its students in an atmosphere of care and concern. This is done through a process that is rooted in restorative justice and an educational philosophy.

As a Jesuit and Catholic University, 精东AV strives to foster the fullest development of its students in an atmosphere of care and concern. The Jesuit value of cura personalis, the care of each individual, along with the University鈥檚 mission to inspire individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service, call us to promote the growth and development of the whole person. This is also articulated in the University鈥檚 core values that call for the creation of a rigorous approach to scholarship, an inclusive community where differing points of view and experience are valued, a commitment to sharing our gifts, and an appreciation that our personal and collective choices can build a more just world. Our community holds high expectations of how we live and interact with each other as we are all interconnected and thus the actions of one of us has an effect on us collectively. Demonstrating care and awareness of our impact, both within and outside the University community, are the foundations for our standards of conduct. In order for our community to thrive, all members must be active in contributing to an environment where people feel safe, sustained, engaged, challenged, and appreciated. We must also hold each other and ourselves accountable so we can repair harm when we impact ourselves and others as well as build a stronger community.

When the expectations outlined in the Community Standards Manual and the incorporated policies below are alleged to have been violated,听the Dean of Students Office will provide follow-up. Once an incident is reported to the Dean of Students Office, the student involved in an alleged violation will receive a letter outlining the alleged violations and notifying the student of a meeting. A meeting will be scheduled and may be conducted by a Case Coordinator, the Student Conduct Board, or the University Hearing Board. (The Dean of Students Office will select the appropriate meeting resolution pathway.) At the end of the meeting, students will receive an outcome letter that reflects what was discussed in the meeting regarding next steps and responsibility.

Questions or concerns about this system should be referred to the Dean of Students Office.

Academic honesty, expected of every student, is essential to the process of education and to upholding high ethical standards. Cheating, including plagiarism, inappropriate use of technology, or any other kind of unethical or dishonest behavior, may subject the student to severe academic penalties, including dismissal.

All work submitted for evaluation in a course, including tests, term papers, and computer programs, must represent only the work of the student unless indicated otherwise.

Material taken from the work of others must be acknowledged. Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course without prior approval of the instructor(s).

Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

Instructors should indicate specific penalties for academic dishonesty in their course syllabi. Penalties, appropriate to the severity of the infraction, may include zero for the assignment or failure in the course. In cases of academic dishonesty where the student chooses to withdraw from a course rather than receive a course grade of F, the grade of F instead of W may be assigned at the faculty member鈥檚 discretion. In egregious cases and/or cases of repeat dishonesty, additional penalties may be determined by the dean, such as suspension or dismissal from the University. In a case of dismissal, Academic Dismissal will be noted on the transcript.

Any appeal by a student is to be made first to the instructor. If disputes of interpretation arise, the faculty member and chair will attempt to resolve the difficulty with the student. If this does not lead to a resolution, the appropriate associate academic dean of the College of Arts and Sciences or the Boler College of Business normally will rule in the matter.

A written report of the incident by the instructor or department chair will be sent to the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, who will keep a written record of the complaint when it is filed, and will forward a copy of the complaint to the appropriate associate dean鈥檚 office at the time. The associate dean will place a copy of this record in the student鈥檚 file and provide the student with a copy. A written record of the complaint is kept for cases of repeat violations. The associate dean will review the case and determine if, in light of other information and records, further disciplinary action is warranted.

The student has the right to appeal the accusation of academic dishonesty if the student believes it to be in error. The Policy and Procedure for Appeal of a Charge of Academic Dishonesty听will be followed if a student wishes to contest a finding of academic dishonesty.

The primary educational focus of the University is to create a safe and comfortable environment that fosters learning. Therefore, the University is committed to establishing a comprehensive program to prevent high-risk drinking behaviors as well as prevent the unlawful use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages. The University will work to provide an environment that supports those who choose not to drink as well as those of legal age who choose to consume alcohol responsibly.

The University expects students to recognize their personal responsibility in contributing to this learning and living environment by considering the impact of their decisions on themselves as well as the community regarding the use of alcohol. Behavior that infringes on the physical or emotional well-being of oneself or others and/or their pursuit of scholarship is unacceptable.

Students Under the Age of 21

The University prohibits possession or consumption of alcohol by individuals under the age of 21. Further, no underage individual may be in the presence of others possessing or consuming alcohol, regardless of whether the individual consuming or possessing alcohol is of legal age.

Students Over the Age of 21

The University permits individuals over the age of 21 to possess and consume alcohol. However, the University prohibits individuals over the age of 21 from being intoxicated or from engaging in other disruptive or disorderly behavior. This includes drinking or having open containers in public areas on University premises, (unless specifically authorized in designated areas for special events), or in University-owned vehicles.

The University also prohibits students over the age of 21 from bringing alcohol into the presence of students under 21, subject to the roommate exception outlined below.

The sale, manufacture or purchase of any alcoholic beverage on University premises is prohibited.

Fake ID's

Possession of a false identification (i.e. Fake ID's) is a violation of the Alcoholic Beverage Policy.

Roommate Exception to 鈥淚n the Presence of Alcohol鈥 Rule

Individuals over 21 who have an underage roommate(s) may consume alcohol in their rooms in the presence of their underage roommate(s), provided there are no guests present and the door is shut.

Other Student Responsibilities regarding Alcohol

Students are responsible for the activity that occurs in their residence whether on or off campus. Therefore, students providing their residence as a place for those under 21 to consume alcoholic beverages, either intentionally or recklessly (leaving residence unsecured, not monitoring guests), is not permitted.

Student safety and responsible drinking are the University鈥檚 main priorities with regard to the legal consumption of alcohol. Therefore, students of legal drinking age are expected to set a positive example to all minors by discouraging alcohol-related behavior that is abusive to oneself or to others. Additionally, expectations for students who reside in University assigned housing include:

  1. For students 21 years and older, recurring patterns of irresponsible behavior could result in revoking the privilege to consume alcoholic beverages in the residence by the Office of Residence Life pending further disciplinary action.
  2. Displays or collections of empty alcohol containers, such as bottles or boxes, are not permitted for those under 21. Displays or collections by those 21 or over need to be clean and free from debris.
  3. Devices used for the rapid consumption of alcoholic beverages, such as funnels or bongs are prohibited.
  4. Shot glasses may be possessed by individuals under the age of 21, but only for souvenir or decorative purposes. If any residue of liquid is present inside a shot glass and the owner is under 21, this policy is violated and the shot glass could be confiscated. For individuals under the age of 21, flasks are not permitted under any circumstances.
  5. Drinking games, including beer pong and water pong, are prohibited. A drinking game is any game that encourages/forces a player to drink based on something that happens in the game (for example, if a player makes a cup, draws/plays a certain card, or rolls a certain combination of dice, etc., the player drinks).
  6. The presence of keg beer or alcohol from other common sources is not permitted.

For students 21 years and older, recurring patterns of irresponsible behavior could result in revoking the privilege to consume alcoholic beverages in the residence halls听by the Office of Residence Life pending further disciplinary action.

Members of the University community are expected to be aware of and obey federal, state, and municipal laws or ordinances regulating the use, possession, sale or manufacture of alcoholic beverages. When the University is notified of students being cited for violations of law or ordinances by municipal, state, or federal authorities, those students may also face University conduct proceedings.

The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student for off-campus behavior that violates this policy. This includes study abroad, immersion experiences, community service sites, and internship experiences.

If a student is found responsible for violation(s) of this policy, action will be taken to repair harm.听 Administrative actions may be taken to prevent further harm and to keep the University community safe. A list of possible outcomes can be found here: .

University Social Events with Alcohol

  1. The Manager of Student Life Programs or designee must approve events involving alcohol where students are present and provisions for security must be coordinated with the Manager of Student Life Programs听or other university staff member who serves as the primary contact for the event (e.g. Assistant Director of Student Engagement).
  2. All alcohol must be purchased, sold, and handled by JCU Dining Services for events held in areas where JCU Dining Services holds the contract rights. Persons sponsoring activities with alcohol held in other areas of campus must obtain the appropriate permits. Alcoholic beverages are not to be sold at any event held in a University facility not covered by a state liquor license.
  3. Students will be required to provide valid state identification or passport for age verification for the ability to purchase or consume alcohol at an event.
  4. For events with alcohol where students are present, wristbands with breakaway tabs must be procured from the Office of Student Engagement to be worn by attendees to indicate event participants who are 21 years of age and older (with an age verification process). The number of tabs on the bracelet indicate how many drinks may be consumed by a student attendee at the event, with the guideline of one drink per hour with a maximum of three drinks, even if the event were to last longer than three hours.
  5. At all events where alcohol is served, non-alcoholic beverages must be provided by the sponsor in adequate proportion to the alcoholic beverages on hand. The sponsor also must provide food.
  6. No one should be coerced to drink or overindulge. A social event that encourages drunkenness as a theme, or the advertisement of such an event, will not be permitted.
  7. Advertising or promoting alcohol as a primary attraction of an event is prohibited as is the marketing of alcohol to students by beverage manufacturers, distributors, clubs, or organizations.
  8. Alcohol cannot be served to intoxicated persons.
  9. Where controlled sampling of alcohol as part of a university event is allowed by law and University policy, it must be limited as to time and quantity.
  10. For off-campus activities with alcohol, a third party vendor is required.
Guidelines for the Promotion of Events Where Alcohol will be Served
  1. On-campus听marketing and publicity cannot promote the violation of听any University policies.
  2. Marketing materials cannot encourage any form of alcohol abuse nor make reference to the amount of alcoholic beverages available at the event.
  3. Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided as awards to individual students, campus groups, campus organizations or teams.
  4. Sampling of alcohol cannot be used to promote events.
  5. The consumption of alcohol must not be the sole purpose of any promotional activity.
  6. Display or availability of promotional materials must follow the posting policy developed by the Office of Student Engagement (click听here听for policy).
  7. The Office of Student Engagement must approve marketing materials for an event that has alcohol available.

This policy outlines the commitment of 精东AV to prohibit all forms of hazing. Hazing is antithetical to the mission and values of JCU because it harms, degrades, and dehumanizes members of the 精东AV community. Therefore, hazing in any form is prohibited and will not be tolerated. In addition, Ohio law prohibits hazing. JCU will investigate and respond to all reports of hazing as outlined in this policy. 听

Click听听for the full policy document.

Cleaning of the public areas in the academic and administrative buildings on campus is performed Sunday through Thursday nights on 3rd shift. The public spaces in the Student Center and Recreation Complex are primarily cleaned between 2nd and 3rd shift while the private areas (offices, classrooms, private meeting spaces, etc.) are cleaned Sunday through Thursday nights on 3rd shift. Cleaning in the public areas in each of the residence halls is done on a daily basis, including weekends. A schedule for daily trash removal and cleaning of the restrooms will be posted on each restroom door. Students with a concern about cleanliness or maintenance of any area are asked to submit a work request with specific details so the issue can be resolved in a timely manner.

When the housekeeping or the maintenance staff are in a restroom to clean or make repairs, the entrance(s) will be closed and blocked or roped off. It is mandatory that students use another restroom during that time. The university reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student that violates this policy.

Residence Hall Maintenance Work:

  • Maintenance work in residence hall common areas will normally occur between the hours of 8:00 a. m. and 6:30 p.m. during the academic year. Work in common areas may begin as early as 6:00 a.m. during the summer months.
  • Maintenance work in residence hall student rooms will normally occur between the hours of 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m.
  • The Facilities Department will not schedule specific times for maintenance work in residence hall student rooms. All maintenance requests for residence hall student rooms will be performed between the hours of 10:00 a.m and 6:30 p.m as time and priorities allow.
  • Maintenance staff will leave an orange card stating who entered the room, what date and time they were there to complete the requested work, and list the repair that was actually completed or indicate the need to return.
  • True Emergency Work Requests will be addressed ASAP, regardless of the time of day. The RA, HOH on call, and/or JCUPD should be notified for all Emergency Requests.

精东AV鈥檚 comprehensive written information security program serves to inform authorized University users of their obligations to protect the technology and information assets of the University.听 This program describes the technology and information assets that the University seeks to protect and identifies many of the threats to those assets. It also describes user responsibilities and privileges with respect to accessing and using the University鈥檚 information. Failure to comply with the policies that are part of the Program may subject you to disciplinary action, in accordance with the applicable University policies and procedures. The complete Cybersecurity Program can be found at /university-committees/university-policies-and-data-retention-schedules#cyber

Students should especially take note of the Sensitive Data and Cybersecurity Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, and the Email Policy.

At 精东AV, the use of drones or unmanned aircraft systems for recreational use is prohibited on or over University property or at University-related activities. Drones may be used in connection with an academic course, research program, or University employment, if sanctioned and supervised by a 精东AV staff or faculty member. The Office of Regulatory Affairs and Risk Management, in conjunction with JCUPD, may approve other drone use on a discretionary basis.

Drones are defined as unmanned aircraft flown by a pilot on the ground, typically, but not always, using navigation software or equipment that displays a live video feed, or takes still photographs, from the aircraft.

The full range of disciplinary actions up to and including suspension or dismissal may be considered based on the severity of the violation.

If you have a question about permissible use of a drone or whether a machine qualifies as a drone, or questions about this policy, please contact the office of Regulatory Affairs and Risk Management at (216) 397-1982.

Illegal Drugs

The University prohibits the illegal use, possession, sale, distribution, manufacture, and/or growth of illegal, synthetic, or counterfeit drugs on University premises (includes property operated off the main campus), at any University sponsored event or program (including study abroad, immersion experiences, community service sites, and internship experiences) regardless of where it takes place. Association with (including the presence at) gatherings involving such use, possession, sale, distribution, manufacture or growth is also prohibited. Possession or use of equipment, products, or materials, that are used or are reasonably anticipated to be used in the manufacture, growth, distribution, sale, or use of illegal, synthetic, or counterfeit drugs or in the misuse, sale or distribution of prescription drugs is prohibited. Examples of equipment, products, and materials include but are not limited to bongs (purchased or homemade), pipes, rolling papers, vaporizers, scales, and grinders.

Prescription Drugs

The misuse of prescription and over the counter drugs is not permitted. This includes sharing a prescription with unauthorized persons, selling and or buying a whole or partial prescription to unauthorized persons, intentionally combining a prescription with other substances, possessing/using a prescription drug not prescribed to you, and intentionally exceeding the prescribed dosage of a drug. In addition, storing prescription drugs in an unlabeled or incorrectly labeled container is considered a violation of this policy.

Students found responsible through the conduct process for the sale, distribution, manufacture, and/or growth of illegal, synthetic, and/or counterfeit drugs should expect to be suspended or dismissed from the university. This also applies to students found responsible for the sale and/or distribution of prescription drugs.

Federal & State Law

Members of the University community are expected to be aware of and obey federal, state, and municipal laws or ordinances regulating the use, possession, sale, distribution, manufacture, and/or growth of illegal, synthetic, or counterfeit drugs. When the University is notified of students being cited for violations of law or ordinances by municipal, state, or federal authorities, those students will also face University conduct proceedings. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student for off-campus behavior that violates this policy.

Students should be aware of the penalties for drug violations. Students who are criminally convicted of drug offenses may lose federal or state financial aid. Students who lose aid due to drug violations can contact the Student Enrollment and Financial Aid Office at (216) 397-4248 to be provided with written notice describing the ways in which the student can regain eligibility.

Medical and Recreational Marijuana

精东AV is subject to the federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments, a federal law which mandates campus communities be free of controlled substances, including marijuana. Federal law prohibits the use of medical听and recreational听marijuana听at any age听and in any form, including but not limited to smoking, tinctures, topicals, edibles and oils.

Federal law remains in place despite Ohio state law, which permits medical and recreational marijuana in circumstances outlined in Ohio鈥檚 laws.听 Because of the University鈥檚 obligations to comply with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act as a recipient of federal funds, 精东AV must observe and comply with federal law that requires the University to prohibit any use of听marijuana,听even if permitted by state laws on use of medical or recreational marijuana. Therefore, the use, possession, manufacture, cultivation, dissemination or being under the influence of medical听or recreational听marijuana on University property or at University-related activities听or events听is prohibited.听Utilizing recreational marijuana under the age of 21 years old off听campus听also听is prohibited.听Possessing or distributing drug paraphernalia is also prohibited whether or not the medical听or recreational听marijuana or paraphernalia was used on-campus.

The University鈥檚 Firearms and Other Weapons Policy prohibits any person from possessing, using, buying, selling, carrying, storing or displaying any weapons or replica weapons while on University property.听Click here to read the complete policy.

Crime and campus safety are concerns of the entire University community. JCUPD needs the help of the campus community keeping our campus safe by taking responsibility for your safety and that of others. This includes promptly reporting all crimes, student conduct violations, dangerous behavior, suspicious activity, and safety hazards.

Police Officers working for JCUPD investigate crimes and student conduct violations which affect students both on and off campus. All students are required to fully cooperate in these investigations. Campus police and security officers can provide assistance in connecting to campus and community resources, local police, and other services as needed. JCUPD is a ready resource available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A dispatcher can be reached at all times by calling (216) 397-1234.

Traffic Regulations

All persons operating a vehicle are expected to do so in a safe manner, obeying traffic signs, speed limits, and refraining from distracted driving.

Speed limit:听The speed limit on campus is fifteen (15) M.P.H. Operating at a speed above this limit is a violation of university policy and subject to a fine of $50.00.

Safe Operation:听Vehicles are expected to be operated on campus with due regard to the safety of people and property. Both drivers and pedestrians must be mindful of each other at all times. Drivers are prohibited from the use of electronic wireless devices while driving as well as other distractions while operating any vehicle on campus. Fines for operating a vehicle while distracted or in an unsafe manner are $35.00 to $100.00.

Complying with traffic signs:听Vehicles are to be operated/parked on campus in compliance with all traffic control devices/signs. Disregarding the instruction on a traffic control device is a violation of University policy and subject to a fine of $35.00.

Restricted roadways:听Roadways on campus may be designated by the posting of appropriate signs for one-way traffic. Operating a vehicle in the opposite direction than designated is a violation of University policy and subject to a fine of $35.00.

Abandoned vehicles:听(non-residential students, faculty, staff) If you must leave your car overnight, please notify JCUPD at (216) 397-1234. Parking in excess of 72 hours is a violation of University policy. The driver of any inoperable vehicle must notify JCUPD of the location of the vehicle, nature of the problem and length of time the vehicle is expected to be inoperable.


Students are expected to be aware of and follow parking rules/regulations/signage and special announcements, available on the Parking at JCU website and notifications publicized through e-mail and Inside JCU communications.听Click here听for more information.

At 精东AV, the safety and welfare of each member of our community is critical. The University encourages students to report medical emergencies and crises when they arise. The University recognizes that a student may be hesitant to report medical emergencies and other crises if the student is engaged in behavior that violates policy during the medical emergency or crisis. This policy seeks to provide students with amnesty from related issues in the听student conduct process in appropriate situations. This policy cannot provide any additional protection from legal action outside the University.

Amnesty Policy

The University will typically provide a one-time amnesty to individuals who ask for assistance when experiencing a medical emergency or crisis, are assisted by others who seek help for them in a medical emergency or crisis, help others get help in a crisis, or proactively reach out to university personnel/resources for help due to behavior that violates University policy.听While students will be asked to complete wellness coaching following the incident, the student(s) will not be asked to participate in a conduct process. Information related to an incident where amnesty is granted may be used in subsequent disciplinary processes to establish the seriousness of repeated behavior or support a conduct violation for failing to comply with educational interventions.听 In all cases, amnesty may be denied to individuals who engage in behavior that听causes egregious harm, contributed to the underlying issue by providing drugs or alcohol to others in violation of University policy, have repeated qualifying incidents, or who are otherwise deemed inappropriate for amnesty under this policy.听The Director of Community Standards and Student Wellbeing or their designee will make determinations regarding who qualifies for medical amnesty.


In order to qualify for amnesty for self-reporting, the individual or someone acting on their behalf must proactively reach out to an RA or JCUPD (216) 397-1234 for on campus emergencies or 911 for off-campus emergencies and they must cooperate fully with emergency and University personnel involved in the situation.

Example 1: An underage student has consumed several alcoholic drinks in a short time period and contacts an RA or JCUPD to receive medical attention after beginning to slur speech and lose the ability to walk normally.

Example 2: An underage student has been drinking and was sexually assaulted and contacts an RA or JCUPD.

Example 3: A student smokes marijuana and experiences harmful side effects because the student recently started a new prescription.听The student asks a friend to call the RA on-call.

Reporting to Assist Others

In order to qualify for amnesty when offering help and assistance to others in crisis, the student rendering aid must do all of the following:

  • Make a good-faith call for medical or emergency help on behalf of another student, 精东AV community member, or guest, whether on-campus or off-campus. A good faith call involves calling an RA or JCUPD (216) 397-1234 for on-campus emergencies or 911 for off-campus emergencies.
  • Remain with the individual needing medical treatment and cooperate with emergency personnel.
  • Meet with University officials after the incident and cooperate with any investigation of the incident.

Example 1: A student arrives back on campus after drinking at a house party and notices another student lying unconscious on a bench just off the quad. The student calls JCUPD to seek help for the unconscious student and waits for JCUPD to arrive and provide further instruction.

Example 2: A student walks out of a residence hall and starts to smoke marijuana on the quad. A fight breaks out on the quad between two students. The student calls JCUPD to intervene and waits for JCUPD to arrive and provide further instruction. Please note: this policy would not apply if the student who started the fight called to report the fight.

Only the student calling to report the concern would qualify for medical amnesty in the above examples. If the student requiring medical attention asks someone to call for help, both students may qualify for medical amnesty.

Safe Harbor Amnesty

The University encourages students who are struggling with substance abuse or a mental health crisis to receive help. If any student freely brings their own substance use, addiction, dependency, or mental health issue to the attention of University officials, they will typically be entitled to amnesty protections under this policy.

A written plan may be used to track cooperation with the Safe Harbor amnesty. In addition to the normal conditions applicable to amnesty, a failure to follow the action plan may result in the removal of amnesty protections or other interventions to protect the student and/or others.

精东AV is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion as constitutive elements of our Jesuit Catholic identity. As reflected in the University鈥檚 vision, mission, core values and strategic initiatives, the University welcomes individuals who will contribute to its mission and goals. Our pursuit of excellence demands that we come to understand and embrace the richness that each person brings to the University community.

In a manner consistent with the University's Jesuit Catholic mission, the University maintains and enforces a policy of equal opportunity. 精东AV does not discriminate based on any of the following as defined and protected by applicable law: race, age, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, ethnic or national origin, disability, military or veteran status protected under federal law, or genetic information. Discrimination and bias against members of the University community strikes at the very heart of this institution and will not be tolerated by any student, employee, contractor, visitor, or volunteer.

Click听听for the full policy document.

The conduct expectations in the Community Standards Manual are fully applicable to off-campus behavior.听 The University reserves the right to investigate, review, and subsequently take University disciplinary action for the behavior of 精东AV students in off-campus settings when such behavior is believed to have an impact on the 精东AV community, is inconsistent with the conduct and character expectations for 精东AV Students, disrupts the living and learning environment, or affects the integrity of the University. The decision to take action in such cases will be determined by the Director of Community Standards and Student Wellbeing or designee, who may investigate these allegations and make referrals to the Student Conduct System if they determine that there is sufficient information to support moving forward with conduct processes. This provision is also applicable to students participating in service, studying abroad, participating in immersion trips, participating in student teaching or internships, participating in conferences or retreats, and/or visiting other college/university campuses. Students or organizations found responsible for violating these regulations will be subject to the same disciplinary actions imposed for violations that occur on campus.

Be a Good Neighbor

Students are reminded that they serve as representatives of 精东AV and both positive and inappropriate behavior affect the University鈥檚 image and reputation. Students are encouraged to be involved in their community in positive ways, such as community service and local government. The University expects to have students act as both responsible and mature representatives of the institution.

As soon as students move into their new residences, they are encouraged to develop a rapport with their new neighbors. Upon arrival, students should introduce themselves, exchange cell phone numbers, and meet with their community peers on a cordial basis so that they can identify with their new neighbors as faces and personalities rather than merely as an address.

Student Conduct Expectations

As stated above, students are expected to demonstrate respect for all members of the local community regardless of their place of residence. Failure to adhere to the following guidelines can result in disciplinary action.

  1. Show respect for the area where you live. Signs of disrespect include, but are not limited to: littering; loitering; destruction of property; trespassing; public urination; nudity; insulting language; and illegal parking.
  2. Operate electronic devices (music, tvs, etc.) at reasonable levels especially late at night and early in the morning.
  3. Maintain an orderly residence. Evidence of a disorderly residence can include the following: house parties; violations of alcohol and drug laws; public intoxication; excessive noise; harassment; or other disregard for the rights of others.
  4. Ohio law prohibits open alcohol containers in public places, unless specifically designated otherwise. Public places are those which anyone can enter freely and include sidewalks, streets, tree lawns, some outdoor areas of apartment complexes, and inside parked or moving cars.
Overall Guiding Principles
  1. Neighbors have a right to the peaceful enjoyment of their property.
  2. Students living in these neighborhoods have an obligation to respect these rights and to enjoy the benefits of living in the wider community.
  3. 精东AV has a duty to work proactively with the communities surrounding the University to assist students in their transition to community living.
  4. When appropriate and possible, the University should intervene swiftly to resolve issues and problems caused by students.
  5. All neighbors, including businesses, churches, and landlords, can collaborate to create and sustain neighborhood environments that are safe and enjoyable for all.

Two official means of communication exist from the University to full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students:

  • For all students, each student鈥檚 University issued e-mail account.
  • Resident students may also pick up mail in St. Ignatius Hall. Current mailing addresses are utilized for non-resident students.

Students are expected to check their JCU email accounts on a daily basis. While students may maintain any number of email accounts with other services, every student is required to maintain an active JCU email account and use it for electronic communication related to University business. This requirement provides reasonable assurance that the sender or recipient of electronic messages matches one's true identity.

This policy has been designed to ensure that 精东AV students, faculty, and staff have equal access to common posting areas in order to promote events and activities.

Link:听听(To find the policy, look under Resources.)

Inspired by our institution鈥檚 Jesuit identity, the Office of Residence Life at 精东AV creates inclusive living-learning environments. We educate students to embrace their identities as engaged learners, develop meaningful relationships, and appreciate community.

Although the University has set standards of behavior for all students, some additional guidelines are necessary for those who live in the residence halls. For questions or comments, please contact the Office of Residence Life at (216) 397-4408 or reslife@jcu.edu . You many access all Residence Life Policies听here.

Title IX Notice of Nondiscrimination

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from discrimination based on sex/gender in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual and interpersonal violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX, as well as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. 精东AV does not discriminate on the basis of sex in employment, or in educational programs and activities that it operates.

精东AV has appointed a Title IX Coordinator to oversee the University鈥檚 response to Title IX complaints, develop training and education programs/materials for faculty, staff and students, as well as monitor trends and effectiveness of the University鈥檚 Title IX educational efforts. Questions regarding Title IX should be referred to:

Eric T. Butler, J.D.

Title IX Coordinator


Administration Bldg., Room 127

1 精东AV Blvd.

University Heights, OH 44118

(216) 397-1559


Additional information and questions regarding Title IX also may be referred to the U.S. Department of Education鈥檚 Office for Civil Rights by contacting 1-800-421-3481 or听OCR@ed.gov.

To view the Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence Policy please click听here听.

Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence Complaint Resolution Process 2018-2019


精东AV (鈥淯niversity鈥) will act on any formal or informal complaint or report of an alleged violation of the University鈥檚 Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Policy that is received by the Title IX Coordinator. These actions will include, as appropriate, steps to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.

This Complaint Resolution Process applies to all complaints brought within the scope of the University鈥檚 Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence Policy regardless of the status of the parties involved, who may be:

  • members or non-members of the campus community
  • students
  • student groups, organizations, and teams
  • staff, or
  • faculty

This Complaint Resolution Process is the exclusive process for resolution of sexual harassment and interpersonal violence complaints brought under the University鈥檚 Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence Policy. Click here听to review full process.

Solicitation on University property is strictly prohibited without the prior permission of the staff in the Office of Student Engagement or appropriate academic dean or department head.

Solicitation in the residence halls is prohibited so as to protect residents from unwelcome visits and possible harassment. Only residence hall organizations may solicit in their residence and then only with the approval of the head of hall/area coordinator/community coordinator.

Students are encouraged to call JCUPD (216) 397-1234 to report any questionable solicitation activity.

I. Policy Statement

In furtherance of its non-discrimination policies, it is the policy of 精东AV (鈥溇獳V鈥) to comply fully with state and federal laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, As Amended (the 鈥淎DAAA鈥) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (鈥淪ection 504鈥), and to establish a procedure to ensure that grievances are fairly heard and resolved. Grievances arising under this Policy include allegations concerning accessibility, discriminatory treatment, harassment, retaliation, and other allegations of disability-related violations.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to establish a grievance procedure that provides grievants with a fair and effective mechanism for resolving disability-related disputes.

III. Applicability

This Policy applies to complaints by persons alleging discrimination carried out by 精东AV faculty, staff, employees, students and third parties contracted on behalf of the University.

IV. Notice

精东AV students, faculty, administration and staff shall receive notice of this Policy through a posting on the 精东AV Office of Student Accessibility Services website located at: 听听听and publication in the Student Bulletins.

V. Policy Elaboration

精东AV strongly urges that 鈥晈hen appropriate 鈥 parties resolve disputes through informal and direct contact between the affected individuals and the office of Student Accessibility Services (鈥淪AS 鈥). However, there may be instances when informal efforts are ineffective or otherwise not appropriate. Persons are not required to engage in an informal resolution process, and persons who are engaged in informal resolution efforts may, at any time, elect to engage the formal grievance process.

Students of 精东AV are encouraged to be civically engaged in the political process, both individually and collectively. It is important, however, that they understand and make clear that they are not speaking for or in the name of 精东AV.

精东AV is a private non-profit educational institution governed by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which prohibits "participation in, or intervention in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office." 精东AV neither devotes resources nor urges others to conduct lobbying activities on its behalf that would violate guidelines established by the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of Education or other state or federal governmental entities. Within these restrictions, 精东AV provides an academic environment which encourages civic discourse in order to enrich and invigorate the educational experience for all members of the campus community.

The full policy regarding political and campaign activities, including guidelines, can be found here.听


In pursuit of its Catholic and Jesuit mission to promote learning, the development of the whole person, and engagement with the world in pursuit of social justice, 精东AV recognizes its responsibility to encourage its students to be independent, critical thinkers who take action in accordance with their values.

精东AV strives to create an environment in which students may discuss questions, express opinions, and debate issues publicly while respecting the rights of others. This policy ensures that students are made aware of the options available to them to protest and rally on campus and at University-sponsored events while also outlining reasonable requirements to听 prevent听 disruptions to the living and learning environment for all students and the campus community.听 As a private institution, 精东AV reserves the right to limit or restrict protests, assembly听 and similar forms of expression as necessary and appropriate, such as when such expression interferes with the ability to maintain a safe, non-disruptive and secure environment conducive to academic and other educational and working pursuits,听 does not respect the rights of others, or is inconsistent with the University鈥檚 mission and values. 听 Such limitations or restrictions also may be necessary when a protest violates other posted policies including but not limited to听 the Student Organization Political and Campaign Activities Policy, the Non-Discrimination, Non-Harassment, and Bias-Related Incident Policy,听 Firearms and Other Weapons Policy, the University Speakers and Events Policy, the Community Standards Manual, or the Event Marketing Policy.


This policy applies to protests on University property that include student participants (with or without other University community members such as faculty and staff or University alumni). This policy does not apply to protests on University property that are sponsored and/or approved by an appropriately authorized University office or department through other university policies, including but not limited to the Speaker and Events Policy.听听

  1. 听鈥淚nternal protest鈥 means a protest sponsored by 精东AV clubs, organizations, or University community听 members.
  2. 鈥淓xternal protest鈥 means a protest by a group or individual that is unaffiliated with the University.
  3. 鈥淔ixed Exhibit鈥漴efers to a display that is intended to convey an opinion or viewpoint, is intended to stand alone without assistance, and be viewed by the University community.
  4. 鈥淯niversity community鈥 or 鈥淯niversity community member鈥 means the students, faculty, and staff of 精东AV.
  5. 鈥淧rotest鈥 means an intentional public demonstration of opinion or viewpoint. Methods of protest include but are not limited to gatherings of any number of听 people, verbal expression, signs, fixed exhibits, flags, and physically听 occupying a particular space.
  6. 鈥淥rganizer鈥 means the University community member(s) organizing a protest.
  7. 鈥淐ounter protest鈥 means a demonstration held in protest of another simultaneously occurring demonstration.
Policy and Procedures

Only internal protests will be allowed on University property or at University-sponsored events and only after following the appropriate notification procedures stated in this policy. Student protests on University property or at University-sponsored events must be organized, led and attended by current students (and may include other current University faculty or staff members). Protests or rallies by those who are not University students, faculty, or staff are not permitted on University property, and individuals who are not current students, faculty, or staff are not permitted to participate in protests or rallies on University property. External protests are prohibited, and will be removed from the JCU premises or event immediately. 听 JCU may take appropriate action, including but not limited to criminal or other legal action regarding organizers or participants of such external protests.听 听 Additionally, only University community members may participate in protests taking place on University property.

All protests must comply with all applicable University policies, including but not limited to the Student Organization Political and Campaign Activities Policy, the Non-Discrimination, Non-Harassment, and Bias-Related Incident Policy,听 Firearms and Other Weapons Policy, University Speakers and Events Policy, the Community Standards Manual, and the Event Marketing Policy. No protest or rally on University property may听 disrupt campus operations or the educational or working environment, or negatively impact the safety, security,听 or听 health of the campus community or visitors. Protests must also abide by all applicable laws, including but not limited to state or local听 ordinances, particularly ordinances regarding noise.听

1. Use听 of Spaces and Gatherings

Protests may only be located in areas authorized and approved by the Dean of Students Office.听 Protests involving the use of spaces and gatherings of people may take place between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Protests will not be allowed to continue overnight on University property to ensure the health, safety and non-disruption of the campus and all University community members involved. Additionally, protest participants must adhere to posted building hours.

The protest must not disrupt the continued operation of University functions. The University community members participating in the protest must allow:

  • Students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors to freely move about campus;听
  • Classes and University-sponsored events to continue unhindered and uninterrupted (including excessive noise in academic buildings);听
  • Other students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors to conduct their business; and
  • Entrance and egress from University grounds as needed.

Additionally, protests may not cause property damage, negatively affect the appearance and cleanliness of campus,听 or disrupt facility or campus operations.听

2. Flags and Signs

Flags and signs intended to express an opinion or viewpoint as part of a protest that do not otherwise violate any University policy may be displayed by a student听 in residence hall rooms, on residence hall doors, in the interior of offices as appropriate depending on the use of the office, and on personal belongings. Flags and signs that are part of a protest are not permitted to be displayed in any other听 locations on campus, and may not displace or replace any existing authorized flag that the University has in place.听 Unauthorized signs and flags will be removed from all University property outside of these spaces.

3. Fixed Exhibit

Fixed exhibits must follow the approval process outlined in Section B. Fixed exhibits must be located only in the location(s) approved by the Dean of Students Office. A fixed exhibit must remain in one approved location for the duration of its display, unless the Dean of Students determines that the fixed exhibit should be moved听 because it interferes with institutional activities or operations,听 affects campus operations or safety, or violates University policy. The maximum number of days for a fixed exhibit to be displayed is five (5) business days.听

4. Chalking and Posting

Chalking and designated posting areas may only be used by students to advertise authorized events. Organizers may only use these areas to advertise their protest in compliance with the Event Marketing Policy.听

5. Counter-Protests

All of the guidelines on protests also will govern any counter-protesting for a viewpoint opposed to the viewpoint being advocated by the Organizers of the protest. Counter-protests are required to avoid actions that physically disrupt or block other protests or speakers.

Students who fail to follow these requirements are subject to disciplinary action according to the university student conduct procedures as well as possible criminal or other legal consequences听 when applicable. Additionally, the protest may be removed or dispersed by the Dean of Students Office, JCUPD, or their designees. Reasons for dispersing a protest will be communicated to Organizers at the time of dispersal. If immediate communication is not possible, reasons will be communicated to Organizers during a follow-up meeting with the Dean of Students Office or their designee.

Protest Notification and Approval Process

As a private university, the University reserves the right to not grant a request by听 students or a student organization to protest on University property or at a University-sponsored event. Protests may not be permitted when such protest does听 comply with the expectations outlined in Section A or the protest procedures in Section B.听

Organizers are required to notify the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Student Engagement that they are planning a protest at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the protest. Organizers may utilize this form to notify the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Student Engagement:

After the form is submitted, the Office of Student Engagement will reach out to the Organizers to meet to discuss the protest. Organizers should expect to discuss the following:

  • The subject matter of the protest;
  • The attendees expected at the protest, and the limitations on external protests and attendees
  • The manner in which the Organizers plan to protest;
  • Safety concerns involved in the protest;听
  • Staff who may be needed to ensure the safety of University community members; and
  • Any possible disruptions that may be caused by the protest.
  • The requirements of this Protest Policy.听

The Office of Student Engagement will then make a recommendation regarding the approval of the protest to the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office may request an additional meeting with the Organizers, deny the protest request, or allow the Organizers to move forward with their protest.听 The Dean of Students Office may provide additional limitations or restrictions on the protest, or require the protest to be moved to an alternative location due to safety issues, potential disruption to University operations, or mission-related issues. Protests may not be held in faith-based locations on University property; University Counseling Center; or听 Student Health Center. A student organization that is organizing a student protest who wishes to invite any external (non-JCU) speaker or panel to speak at a protest or rally also must comply with the University Speakers and Events Policy. Decisions regarding the protest will be communicated to the Organizers via email.听 Note that approval does not indicate an endorsement of the opinions expressed during听 or via听 an听 approved protest.听

Following or as part of the review and approval from the Dean of Students Office, the Office of Student Engagement will notify appropriate University offices who may need to provide coordination, assistance or communication related to the protest (i.e. JCU Police, Marketing and Communications, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Academic Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Risk Management, Legal Affairs, Facilities, and/or other University offices as appropriate).听

Related Policies
  • Student Organization Political and Campaign Activities Policy
  • Non-Discrimination, Non-Harassment, and Bias-Related Incident Policy,
  • Firearms and Other Weapons Policy
  • University Speakers and Events Policy
  • Event Marketing Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student鈥檚 education records within 45 days after the day the University receives a request for access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, chair of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that person will advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student鈥檚 education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student鈥檚 privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record, should write to the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the students wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student鈥檚 right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. A student鈥檚 request for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the academic vice president who, within a reasonable time of receiving such a request, will inform the student of the date, place and time of the hearing. The academic vice president, the vice president for student affairs, the associate deans for Graduate Programs, and the academic dean of the student鈥檚 college or school will constitute the hearing panels for challenges to the content of education records. Upon denial and subsequent appeal, if the University still decides not to amend the record, the student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth their view about the contested information.
  3. The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student鈥檚 education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The University discloses education records without a student鈥檚 prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official typically includes a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of directors; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the University who performs an institutional service or function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing their tasks. A school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the University. Upon request, the University also discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. The University may disclose student information to a student鈥檚 parent during health and safety emergencies, or when that student is a financial dependent of the parent, or when the student is under age 21 and has violated Federal, State or local law, or any rule or policy of the University 鈥 governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. S.W., Washington D.C. 20202
  5. A student has the right to withhold directory information. The University has designated the following as directory information: student name, address (including e-mail address), telephone number, date and place of birth, photograph, major field of study, class year and enrollment status, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational institution attended, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weights and heights of members of athletic teams. A student may refuse to allow the University to designate the above information about them as directory information by notifying the registrar in writing within two weeks after the first day of class for the fall semester. Students must submit an annual written notification of refusal to allow the designation of directory information.
  6. The right to annual notification. The University must notify students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification is left to the discretion of the University.

Smoking, the use of any tobacco product, vaping and the use of Electronic Cigarettes are prohibited throughout the campus, including on any University-owned or leased properties and in any University-owned vehicles. The University will provide assistance with smoking cessation and nicotine addiction programs to students via the Student Health Center.

The full policy can be found .

University Heights Police Department (UHPD) serves the University Heights community, of which 精东AV is a part. UHPD enforces all state laws and city ordinances for the safety of everybody in the community. UHPD monitors and responds to 911 calls. UHPD is located at 2304 Warrensville Center Road, and non-emergency calls or calls for information may be directed to the department at (216) 932-1800.

UHPD requests that students be cognizant of the fact that tampering with or removing City street name signs and/or traffic control signs (Stop, Yield, etc.) is a criminal offense. Violators will be prosecuted.

Further, the following ordinances regarding driving and parking are listed for your information. These ordinances, enforced by UHPD, are the most frequently violated.听All ordinances can be found here:

University Heights Ordinance 432.7听Prohibits use of electronic wireless devices while driving, with a $100.00 fine or more for additional offenses. Similar ordinances are in effect in Shaker Heights, Beachwood, South Euclid and many other surrounding communities.

  • All night parking prohibited. No parking on city streets between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
  • Emergency Snow Ban. No parking on city streets when snow exceeds two (2) inches. Call (216) 932-5900 to verify whether or not a snow ban has been declared. Be aware that the city tows away vehicles for snow ban violations so streets can be plowed.
  • Prohibited and/or limited parking zones. No parking where prohibited or in excess of hours permitted where limited time zone signs are posted.
  • Left wheels to curb prohibited. It is illegal to park adjacent to the curb facing the opposite way of traffic.
  • Fire Lanes. Parking is prohibited in zones where a fire lane is posted.