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JCU offers a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science. More information on this major can be found here. For students in any major who are looking to take courses related to Sustainability and the environment, a list of all available courses can be found below.聽

BL 1090 Environmental Biology

For non-science majors. Three hours of lecture per week. Relationship between human activity and the natural environment; food production, water supplies, air and water pollution, nuclear and non-nuclear energy, hazardous and toxic materials in the environment, climate change and world population growth. Economic implications of, and possible technological solutions to, these problems.聽

BL 2220 General Ecology

Three hours of lecture per week. Interactions among plants, animals, and the physical environment. Ecological theory as it relates to population ecology, community dynamics, biogeochemical cycles, and biomes.聽

BL 2400 Epidemiology

Must be a declared Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Environmental Science, or Chemistry major, or Data Science Major, or a declared Population and Public Health minor. Three hours of lecture per week. Basic epidemiological principles, concepts, and methods used in surveillance and investigation of global and domestic health-related events; discussion of historical and current examples from epidemiologic studies; focus on populations living in resource-limited settings.

BL 4170 Geographic Information Systems

Three hours of lecture per week. Introduction to analysis of spatial data using ArcGIC software. Students will acquire hands-on experience with a variety of analytical techniques and spatial data types, and apply their skills to investigate environmental and social problems using GIS.聽

BL 4240 Aquatic Resources

Two hours of lecture per week. Study of aquatic organisms and their environment. Study of algae, insects, and fish as biological indicators of water and habitat quality in stream, lake, and wetland ecosystems. Impacts of water pollution, acidification, and other anthropogenic disturbances on aquatic systems.聽

SC 2800 Sustainability & Climate Justice

This course examines sustainability challenges experienced around the world today, including climate change, poverty, energy use, population growth, food security, and the effects of human development on natural resources. It will address why and how these challenges developed, where - and to whom - they are most problematic, and what can be done in the future to ensure that they can be managed in a just way for future generations.聽

SC 2900 Environmental Sociology

Critical examination of the relationship between society and nature, particularly how human activity has resulted in environmental degradation. Topics include climate change, environmental inequality, food production and consumption, and green energy and technology.

SC 3700 Culture, Environment, and Global Health

Patterns of disease and illness in relation to subsistence patterns and the natural environment; nutrition and life cycle effects of disease distribution; disease, economic development, and the epidemiological transition; cross-cultural and international medicine in a global context; current major global health problems.聽

SC 3800 Environmental Justice Movements

A critical examination of how a clean and healthy environment is a basic human right. Topics covered include environmental racism, public health disparities, green collar crime, climate migrants, and how to ensure equitable sustainable development.聽

EC 3315 Environmental Economics

Designed to acquaint students with analytical tools of environmental economics, including cost-benefit analysis, user charges, rationing of scarce resources, investment allocation criteria, and public expenditure criteria.

EC 3318 Applied Global Health Economics

Overview and analysis of health care systems around the world, including the US. Topics include the determinants of health disparities, new global health policies, global interventions, and how healthcare policies impact the political-economic environments. Students will examine how health economic principles and economic incentives are used to address sustainability issues to enhance healthier lifestyles and accessibility to quality healthcare, to impacts on the behavior of stakeholders in the healthcare industry. Through case studies, students will learn how to evaluate health programs and the impact of social and economic problems on public health.聽

HS 2071 World Geography

Thorough review of place geography; relationships between humans and the physical environment, including climate, soils, resources, and landforms. Analysis of regional areas.

HS 2138 Environmental History of the USA

Explores the complex relationship between Americans and their natural environment from colonial times through the present. Emphasizes key environmental transformations related to colonization, frontier settlement, industrialization, urbanization, suburbanization, and the growth of the environmental movement of the late 20th Century.

TRS 2563 Ecology, Religion, and Justice

Explores how three religious traditions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - are addressing the contemporary ecological crisis. Issues of eco-justice are approached through the interplay of faith, scholarship, and activism. Responses are evaluated using the principle of the common good, assessing potential impact on the most vulnerable members of the global community. Topics include eco-theology, eco-feminism, globalization, migration, violence against women and children, food security, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.聽

TRS 3442 Islam and the Environment

Overview of environmental issues and Islamic approaches to these challenges based on the major sources of Islam: the Qur'an and the Hadith. Islamic principles regarding the natural world and humanity's place within it, and Islamic legal strictures to protect the environment. Special emphasis on contemporary Islamic activism to protect the natural world.聽

EN 2635 Environmental Literature

Study of American environmental writing and climate change fiction (sli-fi).聽

EN 4051 Writing and the Environment

Study of the competing discourses that define our relationship to the natural world, frame environmental problems, and argue for public action.聽

PPH 2500 Current Issues in Population and Public Health

Interdisciplinary seminar on current population and public health issues in the U.S. and globally. Topics include disease outbreaks, current health policy debates, and community health implications of environmental issues and lifestyles, with special focus on diversity and ethics.聽

AC 1100 Catholic Social Teaching in Business

Presentation of major concepts of Catholic social teaching as they apply to business, particularly the mutual rights and responsibilities between firms and the larger community, and employers and employees. Application of CST principles to business problems. Relation of CST to concepts including corporate social responsibility and sustainability in an economic, social and environmental perspective.聽

COM 2510 Communicating About Science

The class recognizes both the tremendous importance of science in the modern world and the difficulties associated with scientists communicating with the public, including weaknesses in scientists' communication skills, limitations in the public's media and scientific literacy, and a wide array of misinformation and disinformation. While featuring sustainable environmental questions, students will develop skills in critical thinking, literacy, and communicating about science in the public world.

CH 1750 Green Chemistry

Three hours of lecture per week. Environmental studies introductory course. SI units, SI prefixes, Unit conversions, basic science knowledge for non-sciences majors such as energy, chemical bondings, electricity, electrochemistry, analytical methods for pollutant detections, etc. Green Chemistry, application of green chemistry principles to environmental issues, pollution, climate changes, literature research, finding facts, and fact checking. Critical analysis.聽

PH 1150 Environmental Earth Science

Interdisciplinary approach to the study of our planet, from its origins to current challenges. Formation of the earth, matter and minerals, the rock cycle, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism, and climate change.

MK 5581 Social and Environmental Marketing

Emphasizes problem solving in business by focusing on environmental and social problems. Students will develop solutions to those problems and learn how to implement their solutions in a way that improves business performance.聽