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History of the Work in Progress Campaign

In spring 2018, John Tucci approached the Health Promotion and Wellness office wanting to make a difference on the issue of mental health.Ìý He disclosed that he was goingÌýto counseling and it was really helpful.Ìý He said that if he knew that others were going to counseling, he might have gone a lot earlier.Ìý His idea was to find an outlet for students to share their own struggles, how they are overcoming them, and help peopleÌýrealize that everyone, even those you look up to, are works in progress.Ìý That fall we had our first roll out of posters and the campaign has been growing ever since. Ìý

Some of the participants in the Work in Progress campaign have also provided their emails.Ìý Please feel free to reach outÌýif their stories resonate with you.Ìý They knowÌýgoing through these challenges aloneÌýcan be difficultÌýand would love to provide any support they can.

Jenna Kelly.

Jenna Kelly

Year in School: Sophomore

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýUniversity Club, and CSSA Liaison. Intramural too if that counts.Ìý

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýÌýControlling my stress levels, dealing with big emotions, and time management. Taking medication or going to therapy, journaling or talking to someone, and scheduling my week with google calendar. Overall the best way I help myself is being patient with my emotions and validating the way I feel.Ìý

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?ÌýI wanted to participate because I think it is very easy for people to feel alone in what they are going through, because almost everyone comes off as a happier persona of themselves in public. It is important to acknowledge that everyone is going through struggles, and to make it more known that it is okay to talk about those struggles.Ìý

Email: jkelly25@jcu.edu


Anna Kerensky


Anna Kerensky

Year in School: Sophomore

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýGamma Phi Beta and Arrupe Scholars Program

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýAnxiety. My favorite coping mechanism is surrounding myself with people who love and support me. I am so thankful for my support system.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?ÌýIt is important to normalize these feelings rather than hide them.

Email: akerensky25@jcu.edu


Joon Yub Kim

Yub Kim

Year in School: Graduate Student

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýCSDI Office

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?Ìýfeeling insecure about my identity and body image. I am seeing a counselor, work out routine

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?ÌýTo show that reaching out and talking can go a far way

Email: jkim24@jcu.edu


Jonathan Cuddy

JJ Cuddy

Year in School: Sophomore

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýPeer Learning Facilitator, Finance and Wealth Management Association, CRU, RallyCap Volunteer

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýI struggle to feel fulfilled as time passes and achieve the goals I set out for myself. religious devotion, meditation, reading, journaling, movement

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?ÌýI want people to know dealing with personal battles is normal, and it is necessary to rely on one another. "From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of others" - Einstein

Email: jcuddy25@jcu.edu


James Watling

James Watling

Year in School: Faculty

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýI am the faculty director for EIG

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýI struggle with burnout and maintaining a healthy work/life balance because I don’t always prioritize my own mental and physical health. I am getting better at prioritizingÌý time at the gym as part of my mental *and* physical health. I also try to spend as much time as I can with people I care about, ideally out in nature.Ìý

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?ÌýI think it is important to normalize talking about mental health and acknowledging that we all have struggles at some point-it's part of what makes us human.

Email: jwatling@jcu.edu


 Constance Economus

Cece Economus

Year in School: Senior

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýPresident of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honor Society, and Lambda Pi Eta Chapter of the National Communication Honorary Society.Ìý

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýCurrently, I am struggling with thinking about what comes next in my life. Specifically, the transition from college life to going to graduate school or having a professional career. The future is scary to think about because what will happen is unknown. Everyone keeps saying that you need to trust that whatever is supposed to happen, will happen. But to help ease my stress, I have been reaching out to friends that have recently graduated to discuss their experiences and am planning on scheduling an appointment with Career Services very soon to discuss my future plans. I am also in the Internship class for Communication majors and the speakers that have visited our class have been beyond helpful in easing my nerves.Ìý

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?Ìý

I think a lot of people are experiencing the same feelings as myself regarding the future, so it is important for others to know that they are not alone. Raising awareness through this campaign may make others feel like they are not the only people experiencing these feelings, and that many others are in the same boat!

Email: ceconomus23@jcu.edu


Jana Abulaban

Jana Abulaban

Year in School: Senior

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýChi Omega, Peer Health Advocate, Arrupe Scholars Program, CSSA Liaison

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges? Mental health: anxiety and panic disorder, I go to therapy, meditate, workout, read, journal, and focus on what I need in the momentÌý

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?

ÌýI want to show others that it is okay to struggle, but there are resources available to help you. Also, I wanted people to know that they are not alone and that everyone is going through something even if you can't see it. It is important for me to share my story because I wish that people were as open to talking about mental health issues as we are now, which would have shown me that it is okay to not be okay. By sharing my story I hope that it will promote others to speak out about what they are going through.Ìý

Email: jabulaban23@jcu.edu


Caroline Bourjaily

Caroline Bourjaily

Year in School: Senior

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýGamma Phi Beta, Campus Ministry Retreat Leadership Team, Carroll Faith Communities

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýI struggle with eating disorder recovery, managing my anxiety, and overcoming perfectionism. I manage these challenges by seeking help through therapy, going to yoga, and spending time with people who love and care about me!

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?

I think it's important to normalize mental illness as a college student. Especially as a female, it's important to speak up about mental health because believe it or not, but so many people are going through the exact same thing. Knowing that nobody is perfect, and everyone is on a different journey of bettering themselves is so crucial for people to know, especially college students.

Email: cbourjaily23@jcu.edu


Ed Mish


Ed Mish

Year in School: Staff

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýAcademic Success Center, Honors Program, Center for Student Diversity &.Inclusion, Campus Ministry, Writing Center

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýAnxiety & Depression, psychotherapy, medication, meditation, exercise

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?

Mental health is health.Ìý

Email: emish@jcu.edu


Kaeleigh Kirkwood

Name: Kae Kirkwood

Year in School: Senior

What are some things you are involved in on campus? Self-Care club president, Peer Health Advocate, leadership scholar, leadership coach

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?

Eating Disorder Recovery. I am practicing good coping mechanisms, learning to love myself, seeing a counselor, and gaining confidence.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: I feel like eating disorders among women in college is high and if I can shine a light on the fact that is does get better, maybe I can help influence some members of the JCU community to learn to love themselves as well.Ìý

Email:Ìý kkirkwood22@jcu.edu


Name: Uche Ike


Year in School: Senior

What are some things you are involved in on campus? BSA (Black Students in Action), Arrupe Scholars Program, CDSI MELT Mentor, and JCU Cru

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýI struggle to maintain my anxiety as well as insecurity and self doubt. I manage these challenges by reading self affirmations everyday, talking to my friends, working out and spending time in prayer.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: I never really thought about participating in the WIP campaign because I was too ashamed for others to know about my struggles, but if it is a way of someone relating to my struggles and this helps them feel less alone, then that is what I want to see from sharing my story.

Email:Ìý uike22@jcu.edu



Name: Lily Lathon

Year in School:ÌýSenior

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýChi Omega Fraternity, Carroll Crazies, Self Care Club, PHA, Little Theatre SocietyÌý

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýI struggle with anxiety and body image issues/bad relationship with food. I manage this by taking time for myself, journaling, surrounding myself with people I love, and being kind to myself.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: I wanted to participate because I think it is very important to show that we all struggle with health issues and that it is okay to not be okay, and to help others feel comfortable sharing their struggles.

Email:Ìý llathon22@jcu.edu



Name: Earl Spurgin

What are some things you are involved in on campus? I am a faculty member.

I am the Faculty Advisor of the student Philosophy Club and a regular participant in the noon wallyball game.

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?

I struggle with anxiety and depression. I try to stay active through cycling and hiking, and I rely on my dog and cats who are great companions.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: I hope students who are struggling with mental- and emotional-health issues find some comfort in knowing that faculty can relate to their struggles because faculty are susceptible to the same issues as are students.

Email: espurgin@jcu.edu


Sydnia De Franco

Name: Sydnia De Franco

Position on Campus: Director, Arrupe Scholars Program

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?

I struggle with anxiety and depression.ÌýI handle this challenge by purposefully making time to do things I love with people I love.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?ÌýÌýI wanted to participate in the WIP campaign because I want students to know that there are adults on campus who can relate to them and want to support them as they work through their mental health issues. I also think that unfortunately there are still stigmas surrounding mental health issues, and being open about what people are facing is very important. Knowing that your mental health goes hand in hand with your physical health is key. Your brain needs love & care too!

Email: stcheurekdjian@jcu.edu



Name: Jasmine McCallum

Year in School:ÌýSenior

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýPHA, Psych Club, Psi Chi Honor Society, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society, Mail Center

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?

Grief of my mom. I manage this by attending therapy sessions, spending more time with family/friends, and reminiscing on good times.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: I think that it is really important to share with others how people who surround you may be dealing with similar problems.Ìý

Email: jmccallum22@jcu.edu


olivia d

Name: Olivia Donadee

Year in School:ÌýJuniorÌý

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýCampus Tour Guide, Peer Health Advocate, Honors Student Association Social Chair, Pre-Health Society, PT/OT Club, Campus Ministry

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges? ÌýSome challenges I am working through include eating disorder recovery, overcoming perfectionism and negative self-talk. I manage this by treating myself with kindness, fueling my body well and moving in ways that make me feel good.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: I am a PHA and I think it is so important to raise awareness about mental health issues and destigmatize it so we can be more accepting of each other!

Email: odonadee23@jcu.edu



Name: Anthony Fortunato

Year in School:ÌýSenior

What are some things you are involved in on campus? VSA (Veteran Students of America) JCU branch. A student government group on campus. I am former treasurer and current member.

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?

I struggle with PTSD, anxiety, and depression, hypertension, and heart complications. I manage this through medication, therapy, counseling, and spending time with my pitbull (Diesel) who is a service animal in training.Ìý

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: If my conditions, words, or story can benefit or motivateÌý a student, veteran, or staff memberÌý at JCU. I want to share my story even if it helps one person.Ìý

Email:Ìý afortunato22@jcu.edu



Name: Megan Sutterluety

Year in School:ÌýSeniorÌý

What are some things you are involved in on campus? Immersions, Arrupe, the Call Center, CSSA

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?Ìý

I struggle with anxiety and depression. I journal, take walks outside, and call family members each week.Ìý

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?:Ìý I think mental health is extremely important. I have been struggling for a while and I am coming to the realization that it is okay to not be okay. Finding ways to manage your mental health is important. I want other people to know that there are resources to help them.Ìý

Email:Ìý msutterluety22@jcu.edu


Name: Selena Alamir


Year in School:ÌýSophomore

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýLabre Ministry, Pre-Health Club, Volunteering to teach Esperanza's ESL Classes as well as Volunteering with Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, & Virtual Immersions!

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?

I struggle with anxiety, OCD, panic attacks, and finding balance. I manage these challenges through practicing spiritual guidance, journaling, exercising, and spending time with friends.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?:ÌýÌýI wanted to participate in this challenge because there is a huge stigma around mental illness that needs to be broken. When talking to a friend of mine, I mentioned that I had an appointment with my counselor. She shared with me that in high school she always felt pressured to keep her seeking help a secret which broke my heart. I hope that by participating in this campaign, those that view me as "put together" or "always happy" will understand that there is always much more deeper than the surface. All struggles are valid and don't define who we are. Together, we are a work in progress.

Email:Ìý salamir24@jcu.edu



Name: Marie Pinzone

Year in School: SeniorÌý

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýMember of Varsity Cross Country and Track Teams, Carroll Faith Communities Executive Board member and Group Leader, Creative Arts Club President

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?Ìý

I struggle with my body image, eating habits, and comparing myself to others. I handle these challenges by journaling to God, going to the counseling center, and spending time with those who love me for me.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?:ÌýÌýI often feel the need to put up a front like everything is going great in my life. The truth is, that's really not the case. On social media, many people show only their highlights--never their hardships. While it's great to share when things are going well, when you're struggling and everyone else seems to be having a great time, it can make you feel all alone. The 'Work in Progress' campaign is important to me because it helps shed light on the fact that you never are (and you never were) alone at all.

Email:Ìý mpinzone22@jcu.edu


Name: Jenny Arnold


Year in School:ÌýSenior

What are some things you are involved in on campus?ÌýPsychology Club President, Campus Ministry Retreat Team Leader, Peer Mentor

What is a challenge or two that you are facing right now and what are you doing to manage these challenges?ÌýI struggle with my eating habits and self doubt. I manage this by doing yoga, prioritizing my health, journaling, and surrounding myself with a loving community.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?: This campaign means a lot to me because it reminds us that there is strength to be found in recognizing the challenges we face. I hope that this community is able to see that each of us have our own battles to face and that being kind to one another is everything. In our brokenness may we find hope in the healing to come.Ìý

Email: jlarnold22@jcu.edu


John Tucci

Name: John Tucci

Alum: Graduated 2019, Creator of Campaign

I struggle with depression and anxiety.

I handle this challenge by attending counseling sessions as well as talking to and spending time with my friends.

Why did you want to participate in the WIP Campaign and/or why is it important to you?

This campaign is important to me becauseÌýit brings people together under a very simple premise - we as people all have our own challenges, we all handle them differentlyÌý- and at the end of the day,Ìýwe are all a work in progress.Ìý
