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AV Peer Health Advocates are students committed to promoting healthy choices and lifestyles through educating and empowering themselves and their peers on a variety of health-related topics. By providing innovative, creative, and educational programming, outreach, and one-on-one interaction opportunities. Peer Health Advocates will serve as a resource, referral agent, and role model for their peers.

Here is a full list of current

Wellness Coaching

Sign up to meet with a PHA to talk about your transition to college, finding your place at JCU or other wellness related topics. PHAs provide a casual, non-judgemental and an easy way to ask hard questions. If you're interested sign up today to meet with one!

Through training and group dynamic development, the Peer Health Advocate will learn to take care of their own wellness, deal appropriately with stress, and increase leadership skills. Peer Health Advocates are expected to provide their peers with information to make healthy, informed decisions regarding health and well-being. Peer Health Advocates are aware of health-based initiatives at JCU and are committed to living healthy lifestyles themselves. They are aware of campus resources and are comfortable in promoting healthy relationships and substance-free activities.

Peer Health Advocates are trained through a two part process. The first segment is a general introduction to presenting, theories, and well-being concepts. The second segment is through specific programs we offer, which range in topics of relational, physical, mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and others.To apply to be a Peer Health Advocate, fill out the application in Handshake.

Being a Peer Health Advocates is a year long commitment. All Peer Health Advocates will earn $10.45 an hour.

Below is a more full list of all responsibilities and expectations.

  • Attending and being enthusiastic, engaged and thoughtful participation in weekly Peer Health Advocate meetings on Tuesdays at 7:30pm.
  • Plan and facilitate 4 programs each semester
  • Promote events, raise awareness, and be a leader and role model on campus.
  • Participating in and the organizing of campus-wide as well as organization specific programs related to health topics
  • Attend an overnight retreat in August and an all day retreat in January
  • Providing information, resources, programming, peer advice and visibility to peers.
  • Creating awareness of presence in Residence Halls (where you live, how you can be accessed, what you do, what the Peer Health Advocate program is, etc.).
  • Must be a full-time student at AV.
  • Must have a 2.5+ GPA.
  • Must be in good standing academically and judicially.
  • Must have completed and passed AlcoholEdu.
  • Be a role model for responsible and healthy lifestyle choices and enthusiastic about listening to peers and offering advice on wellness issues and stress-relief .
  • Must be non-judgmental, responsible, reliable, and act as a resource to students.
  • Must possess strong verbal skills and the desire to interact with and present information to peers.
  • Must demonstrate the ability to work with individuals and groups in a leadership capacity.

We are not currently accepting applicants.

Please email wellness@jcu.edu with any questions.

To request a program please email wellness@jcu.edu at least 2 weeks before the date of the program.

Relational Programming

Conflict Management Description: In this program we will go over why conflicts arise, how to avoid them, and know whether the conflict is worth the fight. Time: 30-120minutes (very customizable)

Bystander 101 Description: About 20% of students report having been harassed or assaulted since coming to AV. This program will help you identify the warning signs of these issues so you know better how to prevent, respond, and report. Time: 60 minutes

Bystander 201 Description: Many students have asked more a more in depth look at being a bystander. In this program we talk about the key roles in situations such as being a sober monitor or a bartender. We also discuss what to do when you're not sure what the right choice is and encouraging others to be active bystanders. Time: 60 minutes

Consent is Sexy (and Necessary) Description:An important part of any relationships is consent, and in this program we don't only talk about consent, but how we can more effectively communicate what we need to others Time: 60 minutes

#Relationshipgoals Description:When do we know when we are ready for a relationship? When is it even defined as a relationship? In this program we tackle questions we often as like "What are we?" and talk about getting over the fear of talk about what you want out of a relationship, so you can have the relationship of your dreams. Time: 60 minutes

Survivor Support Description:Disclosure of sexual assault from a peer or loved one can be a lot to handle. In this program, we will help you feel prepared to have these tough conversations by discussing the effects of trauma for sexual assault survivors and providing you with tips and resources. Time:45-60 minutes

Empowered Description: You deserve to be loved in the way that works best for you. In order for this to happen we must not only know where our wants and needs come from, but learn how to talk about them and communicate that to others. Time:60 minutes

One Love Escalation Training Description: Understanding healthy vs. unhealthy relationship behaviors, how to help a friend who is experiencing relationship violence, consent and campus resources. Time: 60-75minutes

Let's Stay Friends...or Not Description: Sometimes relationships last forever, and sometimes there comes a time for people to part. This program goes over how to handle break-upswhile respecting everyone involved. Time:60 minutes

Built to Last Description: What are the keys to a long lasting relationship? In this program we go over tips to fulfilling relationships based on research from expert Dr. Gottman. Time:45-60 minutes

Self Sabotage Description: Sometimes we are our own worst enemy! In this program we learn how to get our of our own way when it comes to relationships Time:60 minutes

Truth Hurts Description: Unfortunately, in life we will not always get what we want. When these moments of friction come up it can hurt! We will talk about how to avoid negative self-talk and manage our emotions and thoughts. Time:60 minutes

Creating Safer Environments Description: Environments have big impacts on our behaviors and attitudes. When we invite people into our events or parties we have to take responsibility for how we influence people andwhat happens in our space. This event takes a look at how we can create environments that are safer, specifically regarding sexual misconduct. Time:45-60 minutes

To request a program please email wellness@jcu.edu at least 2 weeks before the date of the program.

Mental Health Programming

Bystander Intervention for Mental Health Description: Within the last year, the majority of AV Students have felt overwhelmed by all they have to do, very lonely, or very sad. They don’t always know where to turn in moments of need and this program will help you know how to help them and what to look for. Time: 60 minutes

Beyond Measure Description: Our culture often tells us that are worth comes from how we look. In this program we challenge this idea that our clothing size determines our worth, and that our worth is beyond measure. Time: 45minutes

Love Your Body Workshop Description: A two part programin which you will have an opportunity to engage in conversations and practice skills that help you learn to spend less time trying to change your body and more time developing a shared commitment to body acceptance. Time: Meeting 2times for 90minutes each

Bridge Builder Training Description:The program will help you understand how to tell when someone is in mental health distress, how to check in with them and assess risk, as well as how to provide the right resources to those in need. This program specifically looks issues around self harm and suicidalideation. Time:60 minutes

Suicide Prevention Training Description:This program goes in depth with how to support others that are thinking about suicide or self harm. This was created specifically for the JCU community. Time: 75minutes

Question, Persuade Refer Description:QPR is an evidence-based training to help you have the knowledge and confidence to help someone in a crisis. It is designed for all community members to help keep someone safe while getting them to the appropriate professional care, similar to using CPR until an ambulance arrives. The more students, staff, and faculty trained in QPR on our campus, the safer our campus will be. To learn more about QPR, visit the QPR Institute: Time:60-90 minutes

To request a program please email wellness@jcu.edu at least 2 weeks before the date of the program.

Substance Programming

Beer and Burritos Description: Discussion surrounding safer alcohol consumption, BAC, Tolerance, and goals for a successful night out. Time: 45-60 minutes

High Expectations Description: Discussion surrounding cannabis, how we see it used on out campus, the impacts of use, and how tolerance works. Time: 45-60 minutes

Streak Responsibly Description: When you decide to host people and have alcohol present, there are some risks involved. This program will help you understand how to reduce those risks, help others be safer, and know what to do if you need to get additional help. Time: 45-60 minutes

Addiction 101 Description: Through videos and discussion, this program will help frame addiction as a disease, dispel some myths, and talk about how to support those that struggle with addiction. Time: 30 minutes

Bystander Intervention for Alcohol and other Substances Description: The vast majority of students will have tried alcohol before they graduate. This program will focus on alcohol, as well as other substances, and help you know when to tell if they have had too much, if they use too often, as well as how to help. Time: 60 minutes

Sober Monitor Training Description: If you are hosting an event with alcohol, this program will help train those that are charged with keeping your event safe. We will work through different scenarios to know what to look for, how to get people help, and how to keep everyone on the same page. Time: 45-60 minutes

To request a program please email wellness@jcu.edu at least 2 weeks before the date of the program.

Physical Programming

Breaking the Scale Description: Using the ideas of intuitive eating and health at every size, we go over strategies to help us reshape our relationship with food. Time: 30-40 minutes

Sleep Education Description: Discussion surrounding how your sleep patterns impact your ability to reach your academic, social, and wellness goals. Time: 30-40 minutes

Checking on our Sleep Deprived Friends Description:Lack of sleep is often normalized, but not getting enough sleep is tied to many other negative outcomes, such as worsening mental health. In this program we help you understand both sleep health, but how to use sleep as an easy entry point ot check on someone's wellbeing. Time: 45minutes

Destress Activities Description: Sometimes you need to find time to just relax and renew. You can choose from activities on time management and renewal versus rest as well as have tea, therapy dogs, aromatherapy, make heating pads, and paraffin wax spas. Time: Variable

Nutrition 101 Description:Knowing what to eat to stay healthy is hard when there are so many opinions out there. In this program we will walk you though how to figure out what a good diet for you looks like and dispel some myths. Time: Variable

Power of the Period Description:We are often taught that periods and mestrual health are something to be kept secret. We want to break that stigma so we can help everyone, whether they mensturate or not, learn about how the cycle works. Time: 40 minutes

To request a program please email wellness@jcu.edu at least 2 weeks before the date of the program.

Other/General Programming

This is My Story Description: Brene Brown said "Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do." This program explores the stories we tell about ourselves and others, how to better understand them, and how to not let them define us. Time: 60 minutes

Conquering College Description: College is hard! This program will discuss our expectations of college and how that impacts our experience. We will also talk about how strong relationships are formed and practice that skill. Time: 45 minutes

Bringing Wellness into Standards Boards Description: Standard and Honor Boards often deal with issues around personal wellness. We can train your board to learn how to be more restorative as well as raise awareness around what kind of sanctions might work best to help your members. Time: 30-90 minutes

LIFT Description: Sometimes people are given a false choice between being healthy, and being a man/masculine. Rather than seeing masculinity as something we need to change, our focus is to help us use what it means to be a man to strengthen our relationships, and take better care of ourselves and each other. We utilize the acronym LIFT standing for leverage, insight, freedom, and truth, which help lay out the path to do this. Time: 60-90 minutes

The Man Box Description: Often men are pushed into boxes of what it means to be a “man.” The program talks about the pressures of being a man and the impact these pressures. Time: 30-60 minutes