FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act):What Faculty and Staff Need to Know
FERPA(FEܳپDzԲRights andPAct), also known as the BuckleyAmendment, was passed by Congress in 1974. It grants four specific rights to a post-secondary student:
- To review and inspect his/her educational records.
- To request an amendment to his/her records and in certain cases append a statement to the record.
- To withhold the disclosure of his/her educational records (except for situations involving legitimate educational interest or as may be required by law).
- To file a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Education (FERPA Family Compliance Office).
FERPA applies to all educational agencies or institutions, including AV, that receive funds under any program administered by the Secretary of Education. FERPA governs whatmaybe released, but does not require that any information be released.
It is yourresponsibilityasa faculty or staff member, you havea legal responsibility under FERPA to protect the confidentiality of student educational records in your possession. You have access to student information only for legitimate use in the completion of your responsibilities as a University employee.“Need to know” is the basic principle.Student information stored in electronic format must be secure and available only to those entitled to access that information.
Your access to student information, including directory information, is based on your faculty or staff role within the University.You may not release lists or files with student information to any third party.
Student Information Types
Student educational recordsinclude grades, notes, personal information (name, etc.), schedules, student exams, or papers and information provided by a student for use in the education process at the University. FERPA requires institutions to allow students to review their educational records upon request.Personal notes maintained by and for a sole individual andnot made available to any other faculty or staff members are exempted from this requirement under FERPA.Note, however, such “sole possession notes” could be subject to discovery through a court subpoena. Exclusions to student educational records include law enforcement records, medical records, non-matriculant records, and post-graduation alumni records.
Directory/Public Information and AV
Directory Information “Directory information is…information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.” (FERPA Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99.3)
Directory Information is considered public and can be released without the student’s written permission.However, the student may choose to keep this information confidential.In those cases, you will see the word CONFIDENTIAL on thestudents’ electronic records.Directory Information can NEVER include:
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Nationality
- Race
- Social security number
- Student ID number
Storage media for an educational record may vary and can include one or more of the following:
- Class list on your desktop.
- Computer display screen.
- Computer printout in your office.
- Document in the registrar’s office.
- Electronic document or email.
- Notes taken during an advising session.
Directory Information at JCU
- Name
- Campus, local, home and email addresses
- Campus, local, home and cell telephone numbers
- Major(s)
- Class year
- Year of graduation
- Degrees and awards received
- Date and place of birth
- Photograph
- Dates of attendance
- Full or part-time status
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Previous educational institution attended
- Weight and height of members of athletic team
Questions and Answers
How can a student withhold release of directory information?
A student who wishes to prevent the release of directory information must go to the Registrar’s Office by the end of the second week of the fall semester to complete a non-disclosure form. The records of students who have filed a request to withhold directory information will have a CONFIDENTIAL annotation attached to them. Watch for that annotation!
Can student directory or public information always be released?
At its discretion, the University may release directory information. Requests for student directory information from third parties (outside inquiries) should always be referred to the Registrar’s Office.
Can student non-directory information ever be released?
All non-directory information is considered confidential and will not be released to outside inquiries without the express written consent of the student.
What if someone needs to reach the student because of an emergency?
All such inquirers should be directed to the Registrar’s Office during normal office hours. After hours, such inquirers should be referred to the JCU Police Department.
What are parental rights under FERPA?
When a student reaches the age or 18 or begins attending a post-secondary institution regardless of age, FERPA rights transfer to the students. Parents may obtain directory information at the discretion of the institution. Parents may obtainnon-directory information (grades, GPA, etc.) by providing a signed consent from their son or daughter.
Do Not!
- Use the social security number or student ID number in a public posting of grades or any other information.
- Link the name of a student with that student’s social security number or student ID number in any public manner.
- Leave graded tests, papers, or other student materials for students to pick up in a stack that requires sorting through the papers of all students.
- Discuss the progress of any student with anyone other than the student or the student’s advisor without the written consent of the student. Refer any inquiries from other parties to the Registrar’s Office.
- Provide anyone outside of the University with lists or files of students enrolled in your classes.
- Provide anyone with student schedules or assist anyone other than university personnel in finding a student on campus. Refer inquiries to the Registrar’s Office.
Helpful Links:
Grade Change Policy:
Grade changes occur when a grade was calculated or assigned in error; an Incomplete converts to a final grade; or, if appropriate, as a corrective outcome in the grade appeals process. Grades may not be changed as a means to accept and reassess additional work or performance after final grades have been submitted and the course concluded. No grade may be changed after one semester following the term the course was offered: Fall grade changes must be processed by the end of the spring semester; spring and summer grade changes by the end of the fall semester.
The Electronic Grade Change Form can be accessed through BannerWeb. Instructions can be accessed .
Incomplete Policy:
A student who is unable to complete final assignments in light of serious, documented medical or extenuating circumstances (e.g. incapacitating illness, injury, accident, or death of an immediate family member) may ask the instructor for an Incomplete grade through an academic petition. Incomplete grades are normally granted when a student is currently earning a passing grade and has completed the majority of the work at the time of the Incomplete request, and the withdrawal deadline has passed. Spring semester requests should be submitted by the end of Reading Day, Fall and Summer requests should be submitted by Monday of the last week of classes. An Incomplete may not be requested after Final grades are due, unless there are verifiable extenuating circumstances.
To start the Incomplete request process, the student must submit an academic petition. A separate petition is required for each request. The student may be required to submit documentation at the instructor’s request to the Academic Success Center, for the College of Arts and Sciences, or to the Boler College of Business Dean’s Office. The respective office will confirm receipt of the supporting documentation with the students’ instructors. Only in exceptional circumstances will the University grant an Incomplete not initiated by the student. Instructors may wish to consult with the respective assistant dean of their college in instances of student incapacity.
The assignment of an Incomplete is solely at the discretion of the instructor, who will indicate the terms for course completion in the academic petition. Those terms include a list of all outstanding assignments, a deadline date (if different from the standard one-month submission due date for Incomplete grades), and relevant logistical information (communication preferences and instructions for the submission of make-up work).
All Incomplete work must be submitted to the instructor within one month following the last normal examination date of the semester in which the grade is incurred or the grade of I converts to an F. If the precipitating circumstances behind the initial Incomplete request continue, an extension may be granted with supporting documentation to the appropriate assistant dean. Instructors should follow the University’s grade change procedures when changing an Incomplete grade.
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