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Applications are now being accepted for the 2021-22 academic year. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis while funds are available.

If you wish to discuss resubmission of a previously submitted application or have any questions about the Mandel Grant application or review process, please contact Megan Wilson-Reitz at mwilsonreitz@jcu.edu or 216-397-4425.

Mandel Grant Application

Part I: Project Information

Person(s)/Organization(s) proposing the project (please list ALL individuals/areas involved in the planning)
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This project will involve (check all that apply):

Part II: Project Description.

Please complete each item in this section in as much detail as your present state of planning permits.

The Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence is available at
Please provide an estimate of the total project budget. Provide as much detail about projected expenses as you are able.

Example budget line items might include: speaker honorarium, admission fees, copying/printing, event marketing, vehicle rental, purchase of books or supplies, refreshments/meals, lodging.

Line item Projected cost
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Co-sponsor Amount
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Do you have any letters of support or other supporting documentation you wish to submit with this application?

Terms and Conditions

If this grant request is awarded, grant requestors are expected to adhere to the submitted line-item budget as closely as possible. Significant deviations from the budget indicated, including new line items, must be submitted to the Mandel Grant Review Committee Chair for review in advance.
All grants will be transferred as a lump sum to a university budget account. Any unused funds must be reported and returned to the Mandel fund as a funds transfer within 30 days after the event or program is complete.
All grants must be administered by a formally recognized university organization or office. Under no circumstances may charges be billed directly to the Mandel fund.
A final, formal report on grant activities is due from recipients within 30 days after the event or program is complete. Grant reports must be accompanied by the Final Grant Report Form and uploaded to the Mandel Grants website.